Monday, May 20

Man Jumps From The Upper Floor Of Makkah’s Grand Masjid

Edited by Fazal Rahman Chembulangad

A man has reportedly jumped from the upper floor of the Makkah’s Masjid-Al-Haram, the second holiest site in Islam. The incident is believed to be a suicide attempt in the Masjid. The security authority of the Masjid today announced the incident without revealing the identity or nationality of the person. The individual was soon taken to the hospital for the necessary medical care.

The Special Force for the Security of the Masjid Al Haram in Makkah has initiated an investigation into the case. Haramain news portal, quoting the Special Force for Security, reported that the necessary procedures were completed.

Notably, the suicide attempt is not new in the holy Masjid. In 2017, a Saudi man had tried to set himself on fire in front of the Kaaba, – the square stone building in the center of the mosque compound. However, the attempt was prevented by the intervention of the security forces.

In 2018, three separate suicide attempts had taken place in the Masjid. In June 2018, a Frenchman had taken his life by jumping off the roof of the mosque. The video that went viral on social media then showed the man throwing himself from the roof of the Grand Mosque to the ground floor of the circumambulation nave, resulting in his immediate death.

A few days later, another person from Bangladesh committed suicide in the same way. The man had jumped off the roof and died while the worshipers were circumambulating the holy site. The incident had caused fears among the worshipers as the disease had fallen on an elderly Sudanese man, leaving him with serious injuries.

In August 2018, an Arab man also jumped from the floor and killed himself. It was revealed that the Iraqi man was struggling mentally and psychologically after the death of his lone son.

(This news story may contain content related to suicide and suicidal behaviour. Such topics can be sensitive and may trigger emotional responses. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts or behaviours, we urge you to seek help immediately. Contact your local mental health crisis hotline, a mental health professional, or a trusted person in your life. You may call 14416 or 1-8008914416 Tele MANAS service, a comprehensive mental health care service by Government of India.)