US, Britain Conduct Targeted Attacks In Yemen; "Will Regret, Pay High Price," Say Houthis

West Asia Edited by Updated: Jun 01, 2024, 5:42 am
US, Britain Conduct Targeted Attacks In Yemen;

US, Britain Conduct Targeted Attacks In Yemen; "Will Regret, Pay High Price," Say Houthis

In a major escalation today, the armed forces of the United States and United Kingdom, with support from the Netherlands, Canada, Bahrain, and Australia, conducted joint strikes against a number of targets in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen. The West claimed their operation was in accordance with “the inherent right of individual and collective self-defence, consistent with the UN Charter”.

A statement from the alliance said the targeted strikes were in response to “continued illegal, dangerous, and destabilsing Houthi attacks against vessels, including commercial shipping, transiting the Red Sea”.

“These precision strikes were intended to disrupt and degrade the capabilities the Houthis use to threaten global trade and the lives of international mariners in one of the world’s most critical waterways,’’ statement from these countries said.

According to reports, more than a dozen sites were bombed in the first strikes, in which “Tomahawk missiles were launched from warships while fighter jets also led the attacks from the air”.

Meanwhile, the Houthi side has also claimed they have launched targeted attacks against the American and British military sites and based, and warned the West that “the Americans and the British will regret their aggression and pay a high price”.

“The battle will exceed the imagination and expectations of the Americans and the British. The war is open, and the Americans and the British will regret their aggression and pay a high price. The Yemeni Armed Forces are responding to the American and British warships in the Red Sea. A fierce war in the Red Sea, and we targeted American and British military sites and bases,” Ali al-Qahoum, a member of the Houthi group”s Ansarullah politburo said.

Abdulsalam Jahaf, a member of the group’s security council, wrote on social media that American, British and Zionists” action will not distract them from defending Gaza.

In a long statement released on social media, her wrote:

“Do the American, British, and zionist expect that any aggressive act against Yemen will distract us from defending Gaza?

We swear, even if we turned into atoms scattered in the air, we will not leave Gaza. We will continue to target zionist ships and those going to the zionist entity. We will confront America, make it kneel, burn its warships, all its bases, and anyone who cooperates with it.

No matter what it costs us, we will not leave Gaza. Let the great war ignite, for we are its people and its men.

To our people, our brothers, our sons, and our fathers in Gaza, we are with you. You are not alone. Our blood for you is cheap, and we are with you until our last breath.

God refuses for us to be submissive and humiliated while your blood is spilled. What will God say to us when we meet Him?

You have let down Gaza. No, by God, we will not let her down, no matter what it costs us.

The world must prepare to hear of America”s defeat. I say this with all pride, we will trample America under our feet. The battlefield will teach those who do not know us about our might and severity.

We will not warn nor threaten. Wait for what will heal your hearts. By God. We will burn the region.”