US: State Department Official Resigned Over The Country's Policy On Supplying Arms To Israel

West Asia Edited by Updated: Oct 19, 2023, 3:45 pm
US: State Department Official Resigned Over The Country's Policy On Supplying Arms To Israel

US: State Department Official Resigned Over The Country's Policy On Supplying Arms To Israel

Following US President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel, a State Department official resigned from his job adhering to the United States’ “military assistance” to Israel. Josh Paul, who worked as director of congressional and public affair at the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs called the country’s decision to further aid Israel as “an impulsive reaction” based on “intellectual bankruptcy”.

Mr. Paul’s resignation is a matter of curiousness as Mr. Biden’s Foreign Policy apparatus never let the internal discomfort to peep out in to the public. Mr. Paul, who has been working in the arms transfer department for more than 11 years, could not continue to stay quiet and assist in the “killing of civilians” of Palestine.

In an interview, Mr. Paul said what Hamas did was “absolutely” wrong. But he cannot help himself but wonder how many Palestinian children have to pay the price of it. “let’s absolutely note the horror of what Hamas did, and the scale of it. And therefore I fear the scale of the potential Israeli response or the ongoing Israeli response”, as quoted by The Washington Post. He also added that while the Israeli government have full right to defend, he wondered “how many Palestinian children have to die in that process”.

According to Mr. Paul, the sturdy assistance that US is providing for Israel is making things worse as it will give Israel the “the green light to do whatever it wants against Gaza” without giving any regards to the innocent civilians. The State Department refused to comment adhering to the policy of discussing personal matters.

Mr. Paul did his master’s thesis in Israeli counterterrorism and civil rights and had worked in Ramallah. He had also worked in West Bank at security sector governance with the Palestinian Authority. In his resignation letter Mr. Paul wrote that he had “deep personal ties to both sides of the conflict”.

President Biden on Wednesday visited Israel and accentuated strong support for the country but at the same time asked prompted Israelis to understand the distinction between Palestinians and Hamas. He said major population of Palestine is not Hamas and that “Palestinian people are suffering as well”.