"We Helped Hamas To Build Bunkers Under Al-Shifa Hospital": Israel Former Prime Minister

West Asia Edited by Updated: Nov 21, 2023, 3:35 pm

‘We Helped Hamas To Build Bunkers Under Al-Shifa Hospital’ : Israel Former Prime Minister

Former Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak during a live discussion with CNN made an implausible claim when asked about the raid conducted at Al-Shifa hospital. He blatantly asserted that Israel helped Hamas to built bunkers under Al-Shifa hospital decades ago.

Christiane Amanpour, the CNN anchor quizzed about Barak’s view regarding the raid conducted by Netanyahu government in the Al-Shifa hospital claiming that a major command center of Hamas is situated under the hospital. He responded by claiming that the bunkers under Al-Shifa hospital was originally constructed by Israel workers. He also insisted that several other tunnels are situated under many other hospitals and sensitive areas. Being completely puzzled after hearing the bizarre response passed by the former prime minister, the anchor asked, “when you said it was built by Israel engineers, did you misspeak?”, to which he responded by saying that the tunnels were built four or five decades ago when the enclave was under their control in order to facilitate better operation of the hospital.

Meanwhile, Hamas, health authorities and Al-Shifa directors denied the Israel’s claim that the militant group is concealing tunnels under the hospital and also welcomed international inspection.

Al-Shifa hospital, the largest medical facility in the Gaza strip, situated in the neighbourhood of Rimal was built in 1946 during the British rule. The hospital was later expanded during the Egyptian and Israel occupation of Gaza.

On November 15, Israel launched an aggressive raid at Al-Shifa hospital claiming it to be a “precise and targeted” operation to find an alleged underground tunnel system that led to Hamas military control center. On Sunday, Israel released a video claiming to be the tunnel constructed by Hamas but it was later found that the video was fabricated by clipping together several video clips, reports Al Jazeera. As per the claim made by Israel, no control centers could be discovered so far under the hospital.

Tunnels in Gaza was initially built in 1980 when the enclave was under the control of Israel to smuggle goods, including weapons, fuel and black-market goods to Gaza. But Hamas was formed in the year 1987.

Later, the Palestinians after realizing that the tunnels could be used for military purpose, they blew up an Israel military post in 2001 from underground.

When Hamas came into power in Gaza, Israel placed a blockade on the Gaza strip. Thus, tunnels were then used widely for transporting goods and later, under Hamas rule, the tunnels expanded strategically. Hamas made use of the tunnels for wired communications when Israel intercepts the wireless communication. After attacking Gaza in 2014, Israel realized the extend and sophistication of the tunnels, then believed to have surpassed 100 km.