"Blended Wing": JetZero's New Aircraft Design To Cut 50% Fuel Use

World Edited by Updated: Sep 09, 2023, 11:22 am

"Blended Wing": JetZero's New Aircraft Design To Cut 50% Fuel Use (Image: www.jetzero.aero/company)

The California-based JetZero has set foot in developing an ultra-efficient Blended-Wing Body (BWB) aircraft, the biggest leap in commercial aircraft architecture since the dawn of the jet age, with 50percent more efficiency.

The fundamental design of the jet aircraft hasn’t changed in 75 years. Thus with the renovated design, company ensures 50% less fuel burn, 50% more range with same payload, and zero-carbon emission aviation with it”s new Blended Wing Solution.

For the revolution in aircraft designing, JetZero is now working with the US Air Force, NASA (US National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and the FAA (US Federal Aviation Administration) and is expected to entry-into-service by 2030, said the company.

The aircraft will launch in 2030 with 100% SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) compatibility, and the internal volume to accommodate zero-carbon emissions hydrogen.

As said by the company, the aircraft will dramatically improve aerodynamic efficiency over traditional tube designs which are fundamentally unstable and require large tail surfaces, creating yet more weight and drag.

The new design is much more stable and requires no tail surfaces. Thus it eliminates unnecessary complexity and creates a lighter aircraft with less drag.

With less drag and weight, the size of the engines is reduced, which further reduces drag and weight. The result is an aircraft with the passenger capacity and range of a small wide body that uses the engines of existing narrow-body planes.

Thus the new design will fill the mid-market gap with an aircraft that achieves half the fuel burn and emissions of the aging fleet it will replace.

The Blended Wing airframe would lower cost of ownership and reduces the cost barrier to entry for new propulsion technology, accelerating adoption and clears the path to zero emissions.

In terms of infrastructure compatibility, the blended wing aircraft integrates seamlessly into existing airport infrastructure. It”s single-deck design fits existing runways and gates.

It also offers an improved cabin experience where customers get an opportunity to move past the space constraints of tube-and-wing aircraft, raising the bar for passenger and crew comfort.

JetZero was founded by Mark Page and co-founded by Tom O”Leary who invented the original Blended Wing Body (BWB). Since its founding the JetZero team has grown to include aerospace engineers from across the sector and advisors from the industry-leading manufacturers and airlines.