"Fundamental Ideological Divide" With Nikki Haley, Says Vivek Ramaswamy

World Edited by Updated: Nov 14, 2023, 2:41 pm

"Fundamental Ideological Divide" With Nikki Haley, Says Vivek Ramaswamy (image: instagram.com/vivekgramaswamy)

US Presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy said that he has a “fundamental ideological divide” with Nikki Haley, his Republican rival, who constitute an older generation in the party. Multimillionaire entrepreneur Mr Ramaswamy and former UN ambassador Ms Haley, belong to Indian descent. Both candidates  repeatedly clashed in public over the last two of the three Republican primary debates.

“I think there”s a fundamental ideological divide. She represents an older generation of Republicans,” Fox New quotes as Mr Ramaswamy is saying.

The 38-year-old biotech entrepreneur said: “She talks a lot about how we need a new generation of leadership. I agree with her. It”s just that she”s on the wrong side of that generational divide, taking us back to the Dick Cheney era, pointless wars that wasted USD 7 trillion of national debt that we accumulated, thousands of America”s sons and daughteres of lives sacrificed, people my age,” reports Fox News.

Continuing further, Mr Ramaswamy said it was a mistake. And anybody who created money from those wars, including those who are part of the establishment,  whether it be Biden corruption family or “if it”s a Republican version of that, which is what I see in Haley,” it is wrong, he added. Therefore, he is opposing it and saying it openly even though establishment is not acknowledging it very much. US Presidential aspirant then added that America deserves somebody “who”s independent, coming in from the outside,” than one is not just “a puppet of the special interests.”

In the third Republican presidential debate stage in Miami, the verbal tussle between Ms Haley and Mr Ramaswamy got escalated and former called Mr Ramaswamy a “scum” when he took her daughter”s name to the discussion. Even before, in the second debate Ms Haley told Mr Ramaswamy: “Every time I hear you, I feel a little bit dumber.”

In response to another question, Mr Ramaswamy said that people are hungry for truths; they don”t want professional politicians sharing talking points. So he will be in debates unrestrained like before, and going to be “pretty open.” He says that his party is not going to disappoint people by “hiding behind some shell”.

Placing himself as the suitable person to lead the country, Mr Ramaswamy said: “I”m a CEO. I come from outside of this broken world of politics.”