How The World Reacted To Nicolas Maduro's Victory In Venezuela

The head of the National Electoral Council, Elvis Amoroso, said Maduro secured 51% of the vote, overcoming opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez, who won 44%. He said the results were based on 80% of voting stations, marking an irreversible trend.

Venezuela Edited by Updated: Jul 29, 2024, 5:54 pm
How The World Reacted To Nicolas Maduro's Victory In Venezuela

How The World Respond To Nicolas Maduro's Victory In Venezuela (image@LuchoXBolivia)

Leaders across the globe responded to the electoral result of Venezuela. President Nicolas Maduro has won a third term in office, despite multiple exit polls predicted victory for the opposition. The head of the National Electoral Council, Elvis Amoroso, said Maduro secured 51% of the vote, overcoming opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez, who won 44%. He said the results were based on 80% of voting stations, marking an irreversible trend.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, “We’ve seen the announcement just a short while ago by the Venezuelan electoral commission. We have serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the Venezuelan people”, as quoted by media.

Jose Manuel Albares, Foreign Minister of Spain called for a “total transparency” in the vote counting. “What we want is total transparency in the process. And that is why what we are asking for, and what we also expect, is the publication of the results voting table by voting table, so that we can verify the results,” he told Cadena Ser radio station.


“The democratic will of the Venezuelan people must be respected. We call for the calm and civic-mindedness which marked election day to be maintained”, he wrote on X.

Beijing congratulated Maduro for his win. The country’s foreign ministry spokesperson Lin Jian told during a regular briefing that, “China congratulates Venezuela for smoothly holding its presidential election and congratulates President Maduro on his successful re-election. China stands ready to enrich our all-weather strategic partnership and better benefit the peoples of both countries”.  “China and Venezuela are good friends,” he added.

Bolivia voiced willingness in continuing to strengthen ties with Venezuela and Maduro. Taking to his X account, President Luis Arce wrote, “We have closely followed this democratic festival and we welcome the fact that the will of the Venezuelan people at the polls has been respected. We want to ratify our willingness to continue strengthening our ties of friendship, cooperation and solidarity with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela”.


Handuran President Xiomara Castro also expressed congratulations to Maduro. She wrote, “Our special congratulations and Democratic, Socialist and Revolutionary greetings to the President Nicolas Maduro and the brave people of Venezuela for their unobjectionable triumph, which reaffirms their sovereignty and the historical legacy of the Commander Hugo Chavez”.


Chile denounced the result. President Gabriel Boric wrote that the “Maduro’s regime must understand that the results are hard to believe. The international community and especially the Venezuelan people, including the millions of Venezuelans in exile, demand total transparency … From Chile we will not recognize any result that is not verifiable”.


Guatemala also said that the south-American country deserve a transparent result. “Venezuela deserves transparent, accurate results that adhere to the will of its people. We receive the results announced by the CNE (electoral authority) with many doubts. This is why electoral observation mission reports are essential, and today more than ever, must defend Venezuelans’ votes”, President Bernardo Arevalo said.

Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou said “It was an open secret. They were going to ‘win’ regardless of the actual results. The process up to election day and counting was clearly flawed. You cannot recognize a triumph if you can’t trust the forms and mechanisms used to achieve it”.


Joseph Borrell, the European Union Foreign Policy Chief, said, “The people of Venezuela voted on the future of their country peacefully and in large numbers. Their will must be respected. Ensuring full transparency in the electoral process, including detailed counting of votes and access to voting records at polling stations, is vital”.

Columbia called for clearing out any “doubts about the result”. Luis Gilberto Murillo, the Foreign Minister of the country said, “After maintaining permanent contact with all political actors involved in the presidential elections…We consider it essential that the voices of all sectors be heard. It is important to clear any doubts about the results… We call for the total vote count, its verification and independent audit to be carried out as soon as possible”.


Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel congratulated Maduro by calling him his brother. He said, “Nicolas Maduro, my brother, your victory, which is that of the Bolivarian and Chavista people, has cleanly and unequivocally defeated the pro-imperialist opposition. They also defeated the regional, interventionist and Monroist right. The people spoke and the Revolution won”.