Joe Biden Disappointed As Xi Jinping Not Attending G-20 Summit In India

World Edited by Updated: Sep 04, 2023, 5:21 pm
Joe Biden Disappointed As Xi Jinping Not Attending G-20 Summit In India

G-20: Joe Biden Disappointed As Xi Jinping Not Attending Summit (www.instagram/joebiden)

US President Joe Biden expressed disappointment on his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping”s decision to skip the upcoming G-20 Summit hosted by India this week. Chinese President is likely to skip the G-20 Summit in Delhi as tension between India and China are rising at the border.

“I am disappointed, but I am going to see him”, Mr Biden told to reporters in Delaware on Sunday.

But when and where the meeting may take place is still undisclosed. But the leaders has an opportunity to meet in November this year when US hosts the APEC conference in San Francisco, reported Bloomberg.

Mr Xi and Mr Biden last met on the sidelines of G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia.

Beijing said on Monday that its premier Li Qiang would lead China”s delegation at the summit in Delhi this week. But China”s foreign ministry neither confirmed nor denied Mr Xi”s attendance at the summit.

“Li Qiang will lead Chinese delegation to attend G20 summit. It”s a major and important global economic forum. China has always attached importance on it and actively participated events,” BBC quoted a foreign ministry spokeswoman.

India” relation with China is getting worsened day-by-day. It was a week before, China released their recent edition of standard map’ including the Indian regions of Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin area. The map triggered tensions and Indian External Ministry expressed strong protest over it terming the map has “no basis” at all.

President Biden is expected to visit India between September 7 and 10, later followed by a trip to Vietnam. According to the reports, he and Prime Minister Narendra Modi are scheduled to engage in one-on-one discussions on Friday evening.

“I want a little more coordination. I think they both (India and Vietnam) want much closer relations with the United States and that can be very helpful”, said Mr Biden while asked about his India-Vietnam visits.

Russian president Vladimir Putin has already reported his absence on the summit due to “special military operation” in Ukarine. Mr. Putin had also skipped G20 summit of Bali in last November.

The nation”s capital will be hosting the 2023 G20 New Delhi Summit on September 9 and 10. It will be the eighteenth meeting of G20 and will be taking place in Bharat Mandapam International Exhibition-Convention Centre in New Delhi’s Pragati Maidan.