Joe Biden's Dog Commander Removed From The White House

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Joe Biden's Dog Commander Removed From The White House

Joe Biden's Dog Commander Removed From The White House (image : X @ WhiteHouse)

American President Joe Biden”s dog commander removed from the team. The decision was taken after a staff was bitten. The commander, that had been a “cute pup” when taken to White House back in 2021, has been involved in severe bite cases, as reported by CNN and Axios.

The two year old German shepherd was sent to “unknown” location. According to secret service, the number of agents who got the taste of the commander”s bite is 11, while CNN believe the exact number of the bitten agents to be higher than that.

According to the communication director of the First lady, Jill Biden, the Bidens care deeply about the safety of the “those who work at the White House and those who protect them everyday”, she said in a statement.

This is not the first time the American President’s dog has to be sent off. The first family”s elder dog who is known as major was taken away as a Secret Service agent was bitten. From there on, it is said that the relation between the Bidens and the Secret Service is rather “strained”.

It is not clear whether the Commander will be back to White House or the removal is permanent. According to CNN, the last confirmed bite happened on Monday. The media also said that the White House has refused to respond to question regarding the “specific number of biting incident” in which the commander is involved.

According to source familiar with the Secret Service, the work environment at the White House is rather “hostile” and “dangerous” and some of the agents have to pass through particular entrances to avoid a “meet up” with the dog. It is said that the Secret Service agents talk through radio when the dog is out and they avoid the area where the dog is.