Justin Trudeau On Canadian Parliament Honouring Nazi Veteran: “Clearly Unacceptable” And “Deeply Embarrassing”

World Edited by Updated: Sep 26, 2023, 4:43 pm
Justin Trudeau On Canadian Parliament Honouring Nazi Veteran: “Clearly Unacceptable” And “Deeply Embarrassing”

Justin Trudeau Responds To The Canadian Parliament Honouring Nazi Veteran As “Clearly Unacceptable” and “Deeply Embarrassing” (image @ justinpjtrudeau)

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday responded to the incident of Canadian Parliament honouring a Ukrainian Nazi veteran. Mr. Trudeau remarked the act as “deeply embarrassing”. He further added the act to be “clearly unacceptable”.

As per report, Mr. Trudeau said to media, “This is something that is deeply embarrassing to the Parliament of Canada and by extension to all Canadian”.

Earlier on Monday, the Canadian lawmakers gave a standing ovation to 98 year old Yaroslav Hunka as a war hero after Ukrainian President  Volodymyr Zelensky”s address in the House of Commons. But later, it was made clear that Mr. Hunka had served for Hitler during World War II.

Mr. Hunka had served in 14th Waffen Grenadier Division, which is a Nazi division during the World War II. The Canadian Parliament gave him a standing ovation as “Ukrainian hero” and as “Canadian hero”.

The Speaker of the House of Commons, Anthony Rota later apologised for this “massive” mistake committed by the Canadian Parliament. He said, “In my remarks following the address of the President of Ukraine, I recognized an individual in the gallery. I have subsequently become aware of more information which causes me to regret my decision to do so”. He further added that he takes “full responsibility” of the initiative and conveyed his “deepest apologies” to Jewish communities.

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs stated that they are “deeply troubled and disturbed” as the “Nazi veteran” was honoured with standing ovation in the Canadian Parliament.

Canada”s opposition leader, Pierre Poilievre slammed the interim Prime Minister by stating that “This is an appalling error in judgement on the part of Justin Trudeau”. He also demanded the Canadian Prime Minister to apologise directly instead of “passing the blame to others as he always does”

He also said that Mr. Trudeau must be there on the Parliament and apologising directly rather than “hiding under the rock” and “throwing someone under the bus as he always does”.

Earlier Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center stated that “an apology and explanation is owed” by the Canadian government.

The Canadian government garnered this “embarrassment” on itself while the row between India and Canada over the Mr. Trudeau”s comment on Indian officials hand in the murder of pro-Khalistan leader Hardedp Singh Najjar is still hot on the board.

With inputs from agencies.