Kenya: Gas Blast Injures More Than 200 And Kills Two

World Edited by Updated: Feb 02, 2024, 11:39 am
Kenya: Gas Blast Injures More Than 200 And Kills Two

Kenya: Gas Blast Injures More Than 200 And Kills Two (image@KenyaRedCross)

Nairobi witnessed a huge blast on Thursday which has killed two and injured at least 100. A lorry carrying gas exploded in Embakasi district around 23:30 (20:30 GMT). Housing, businesses and cars were damaged in the incident. The government said that the blast had happened at a gas plant and the cause of the blast is still being established.

Government spokesperson said, that the fireball from the blast had “spread widely”, and a flying gas cylinder hit a garments and textiles warehouse, burning it down. Reportedly, the fire also spread through several apartment complexes. Witnesses told local media that they felt tremor immediately after the blast. Many among the injured were said to have inhalation injuries, and the list include at least 25 children.

One of the injured, Boniface Sufina described the incident to news agency Reuters. He said, “I got burnt by an exploding gas canister as I was trying to escape… It exploded right in front of me and the impact knocked me down and the flames engulfed me. I am lucky that I was strong enough to get away.”

Everyone near the area left their home after the blast. Government spokesperson Isaac Mwaura said that the blast scene had been secured and a command centre had been set up to help co-ordinate rescue operations. He said, “Kenyans are hereby advised to keep off the cordoned area in order to allow the rescue mission to be carried out [with] minimal disruptions”.

The Kenya Red Cross said on X (formerly twitter) that the crew had been “tirelessly battling the flames”.