“Let Unity Decide Everything Openly”: Volodymyr Zelensky To World Leaders At UNGA

World Edited by Updated: Sep 20, 2023, 9:18 pm
“Let Unity Decide Everything Openly”: Volodymyr Zelensky To World Leaders At UNGA

“Let Unity Decide Everything Openly”: Volodymyr Zelensky To World Leaders At UNGA

While there is no sign of armistice between Russia and Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine offers a peace formula at the 78th high level session of United Nation General Assembly, where more than 140 leaders gather to discuss the pressing world issues. This is the first visit of Mr.Zelensky to the UN General Assembly since the Russian invasion in Ukraine started.

The 78th high-level discussion started on Tuesday and will continue till 26th September. Mr. Zelensky will also attend the UN Security Council tomorrow. Mr. Zelensky”s visit is expected to solidify aid from Ukraine”s western allies. Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergei Lavrov will also attend the Unite Nation Security Council session.

Mr. Zelensky urged the world leaders to come together and aid Ukraine to stand against Russian invasion on its territories. While many leaders stayed out showing their disinterest in what the Ukrainian President have to say, Mr. Zelensky talked to the half-full house accentuating his concerns regarding his nation and the war.

He reminded the world leaders about the General Assembly hall witnessing many wars but why after the third World War none will gather the Assembly hall again, as the third World war will be Nuclear war, in which “great powers” will boast about their nuclear stockpile through attacks. He also reminds about what 20th century has taught about the use of the “weapons of mass destruction”.

Mr. Zelensky lists Russia”s crooked ways of invasion by aiming at Ukraine”s food supply, weaponising nuclear energy and kidnapping children away from their homeland and parents. He accused Russia for weaponising food shortage as a method to make Ukraine bend their knees by blocking and attacking Ukraine”s ports in Black and Azov sea. He added that many among the leaders will join in Ukraine”s efforts to keep the food supply afloat.

His second accusation against Russia was Russia”s weaponising of energy. He stated that unlike before Russia is weaponising nuclear energy. “Russia is weaponising nuclear energy. Not only it is spreading its unreliable nuclear-power-plant-construction-technologies, but it is also turning other countries” power plants into real dirty bombs”, said Mr. Zelensky, as reported.

The Ukrainian President accused Russia of abducting children to “put pressure on their families and societies”. He also added that mass deportation and abduction has never been government policy before. He  called Russia”s this move as genocide. “We are trying to get children back home but time goes by. What will happen to them? Those children in Russia are taught to hate Ukraine, and all ties with their families are broken….This is clearly a genocide”, said Mr. Zelensky.

He also warned the world leaders about what will happen when Russia win. “Many seats in the General Assembly Hall will be empty if Russia succeeds in its treachery and aggression” as Russia will weaponise the land, people and resources against them and the international rules based orders.

Mr. Zelensky called the world leaders to stay united against the aggression by stating “Let unity decide everything openly”. He also said about introducing peace formula in the United Nation Security Council which will take place on Wednesday.