"Not Shaking Your Hand Bro": An Angry Canadian Confronts Trudeau

World Edited by Updated: Oct 06, 2023, 11:42 pm

"Not Shaking Your Hand Bro," An Angry Canadian Confronts Trudeau (image:twitter/ Keean Bexte)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had a confrontation with an angry citizen in Toronto as he refused to shake his hand with him. The video is viral on social media now.

In the video, Mr Trudeau was seen greeting his supporters, waving and shaking hands with them. He has also seen interacting with a child sitting in a stroller and after a few seconds, he proceeds to greet people standing little further. When he extends his hand to greet the man, he holds back and said he will not shake hands with him. “I am not shaking your hand bro, you’re a f**king piece of sh*t man,” he can be heard saying in angry voice.

Startled by the reaction, Mr Trudeau asked the reason behind. The man then said: “You f**ked up this entire country.”

Prime Minister then asks how he messed up this country, to which the man replies: “Can anybody afford a home,” pointing to the national housing crisis in Canada.

The man continues: “You are charging people a carbon tax.” To this, Trudeau explains to him, “You know what we are doing with that carbon tax? We are putting a price on pollution and we are returning it to families like yours.”

The man then prompted another conversation, by asking the allocation of funds to Ukraine, “You sent it over to Ukraine, right? You send it over to the guy slaughtering his own country.”

Mr Trudeau dismisses the claim as “Russian propaganda,” and before walking away to his motorcade., he said: “You have been listening to Putin, have you? You know a lot of Russian disinformation,”

The man continues to confront him, can be heard saying, “You got a propaganda bro. Get the f**k out of here,” as Trudeau waves to people before getting inside the car.

The angry citizen’s response resonate to the public resentment over Mr Trudeau’s policies, and the reaction is also significant as the diplomatic row between India and Canada still continue to escalate.