The Plane That Crashed In Afghanistan Is "Not An Indian Plane": India

World Edited by Updated: Jan 21, 2024, 1:40 pm
The Plane That Crashed In Afghanistan Is

The Plane That Crashed In Afghanistan Is "Not An Indian Plane": India

A plane crashed in northeastern part of Afghanistan, said a provincial government official on Sunday. The plane was first alleged to be an Indian plane, which was later corrected by Ministry of Civil Aviation of India, which said that the plane that crashed in Afghanistan is not an “Indian Scheduled Aircraft nor a Non Scheduled (NSOP)/Charter aircraft”. It said the plane was actually Moroccan registered small aircraft. More data on the issue is awaited, said the statement.

Reportedly, the plane that crashed was not an Indian registered, but Russian registered aircraft. Since no Indian airline has Russia registered aircraft, the crashed plane is believed to be not an Indian plane. The report said

Russian Aviation Authorities say a Russian-registered plane with six people thought to be on board disappeared from radar screens over Afghanistan on Saturday evening. The plane was a French-made Dassault Falcon 10 jet. The plane was a charter flight travelling from India via Uzbekistan to Moscow, reports Reuters