US, UK And Australia "Deeply Concerned" About Canada's "Serious Allegation" On India

World Edited by Updated: Sep 19, 2023, 7:01 pm
US, UK And Australia

US, UK and Australia "deeply concerned" about Canada's "serious allegation" On India.

US, UK and Australia responded to Canada”s “serious allegation” regarding India”s involvement in the murder of Sikh separatist leader Hardeep Singh Najjar in the British Columbia earlier this year.

“We are deeply concerned about the allegations referenced by Prime Minister Trudeau earlier today”, said Adrienne Watson, US National Security Council spokesperson, in a statement released on Monday.

The British government spokesperson said they are in close touch with the Canadian partners about the “serious allegations”. “It would be inappropriate to comment further during the ongoing investigation by the Canadian authorities”, he further added.

Penny Wong, Australia”s Minister for Foreign Affairs said on Tuesday, Australia is “deeply concerned” about Canada”s allegations on India.

Though Canada did not actively accused India for the involvement in the murder, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated that the allegations made on the involvement of Indian government agents the murder of Sikh separatist leader Hardeep Singh Najjar by Canada was an “actively pursuing credible allegations”.

In an emergency statement to the House of Commons, Mr. Trudeau stated that any involvement of foreign government in the killing of a Canadian citizen was an “unacceptable violation” of Canada”s sovereignty.
Canadian Foreign Minister also stated the allegations would be unacceptable “if proven true”.

The 45 year old Sikh separatist was shot dead on June 18 outside a Sikh temple in Surrey. He supported the notion of extracting a separate ethno-religious Sikh state named as Khalistan. In July 2020, India deemed him as “terrorist”.
Earlier Canada expelled India”s top intelligence agent in Canada and India hit back by expelling senior Canadian diplomat.

Out of 40 million Canadian population, 1.4 million people are of Indian origin. Majority of the Indian population in Canada is Sikh people.

With Mr. Trudeau”s comment, the relation between India and Canada is expected to go south as the two countries are already trading on thin line.