Why Pakistan Bans Social Media Platforms - YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram...?

The country had banned the X earlier citing national security concerns.

Pakistan social Media ban Edited by Updated: Jul 05, 2024, 12:13 pm
Why Pakistan Bans Social Media Platforms - YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram...?

Why Pakistan Bans Social Media Platforms - YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram... (Photo )

After imposing restrictions on X a few month ago, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz’s cabinet committee on law and order reportedly plans to ban the use of other social media platforms, following some members’ recommendation to block popular platforms such as YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

X users reportedly experienced continued disruption due to ban imposed by the government on April 25. The Interior Ministry had cited national security concerns and the failure of X to adhere to lawful directives of the government and the misuse of the platforms for the imposition of the ban.

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However, the latest ban would be for six days during from July 13 to 18 (Muharram 6 to 11) and it would be to restrict and control “hate material” during the month of Radaman, according to reports by multiple media.

The Punjab government of Maryam Nawaz has requested the government at the Centre to notify the suspension of all social media platforms on internet for six days (July 13-18), Economic Times reported citing a Punjab government notification.

A resolution submitted by Bahramand Khan Tangi in March sought social media ban saying that the platforms adversely affect the young generation in the country It is being used “for promotion of norms against our religion and culture, creating hatred among people on the grounds of language and religion,” Pakistan-based media house The Dawn reported.

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The resolution also noted the use of platforms against the interests of the country through negative and malicious propaganda against the armed forces, while calling upon the Senate to  recommend putting a ban on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X, and YouTube, according to the report.

Notably, after the ouster of former Prime Minister Imran Khan through a no-confidence motion in 2022, the government and military has been reportedly facing criticism across social media, with several arrests of activist reported.