Air India’s Delhi-San Francisco Flight Makes Emergency Landing In Russia’s Krasnoyarsk

air india Edited by Updated: Jul 19, 2024, 12:50 am
Air India’s Delhi-San Francisco Flight Makes Emergency Landing In Russia’s Krasnoyarsk

Air India’s Delhi-San Francisco Flight Makes Emergency Landing In Russia’s Krasnoyarsk; Passengers, Crew Safe

Air India flight AI183, operating from Delhi to San Francisco on 18 July 2024, made a precautionary landing at Krasnoyarsk International Airport (KJA) in Russia after the cockpit crew detected a potential issue in the cargo hold area. The aircraft landed safely with all 225 passengers and 19 crew members, who have been disembarked and taken to the terminal building for further processes.

As Air India does not have its own staff at KJA, third-party support is being arranged to provide necessary assistance to passengers. The airline is coordinating with government agencies and regulatory authorities and is arranging a ferry flight to transport passengers to San Francisco at the earliest.

“All of us at Air India are concerned about the passengers and staff and are making every effort possible to operate the ferry flight as soon as possible, and to ensure the health, safety, and security of all while they wait. We will share further updates as soon as they are available,” Air India said in a statement.

Unconfirmed social media posts suggested the Boeing 777 made an emergency landing due to a suspected fire in the luggage compartment. According to Interfax, six hours after taking off, the crew reported a fire sensor activation in the luggage compartment. The aircraft commander decided to land at the unscheduled Krasnoyarsk airfield.

The Federal Air Transport Agency confirmed that the alarm in the luggage compartment had been activated but clarified that there were no signs of fire or smoke