Elon Musk Rejects Claims Of His Drug Use, Saying “Not Even Trace Quantities” Found In System

Business Edited by Updated: Jan 08, 2024, 10:28 am
Elon Musk Rejects Claims Of His Drug Use, Saying “Not Even Trace Quantities” Found In System

Elon Musk Rejects Claims Of His Drug Use, Saying “Not Even Trace Quantities” Found In System

Elon Musk, SpaceX founder, has responded to the allegations of his drug use, saying the drug tests performed on him in the past did not find any trace of drugs, not even tiny amounts that might be left over from previous use.

He mentioned that random drug tests were conducted on him over the course of three years.

He took his response to the X (previously Twitter). The Wall Street Journal had earlier claimed that people had observed the drug usage of Musk. Musk”s lawyer, Alex Spiro also came up with a response accusing the Wall Street Journal of the “false facts” reporting, as according to him, Musk had undergone drug testing before when he was seen smoking marijuana on the Joe Rogan podcast in 2018, which had been downplayed by the billionaire later, saying he had only “one puff.”.

Musk also told his biographer, Walter Isaacson that he “doesn”t really like doing illegal stuff.” Spiro reiterated Musk”s claim, saying drug tests performed on him were not able to trace any evidence of drugs, with the revelation that Musk, in the past, had admitted to taking ketamine, a drug used to treat depression.

However, the WSJ report claims that Elon Musk had been taking LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, and psychedelic drugs at parties frequently, where guests had to sign non-disclosure agreements and give up their phones, particularly parties in Los Angeles in 2018 and later a party in Mexico where he allegedly took multiple acid tablets and magic mushrooms, respectively.

The top management of Tesla and SpaceX raised concerns over the reports, expressing fear that this type of behavior could harm their companies, as reported by the WSJ.