Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Testifies Against Google, Condemns Google's "Dominance" In Market

Business Edited by Updated: Oct 04, 2023, 4:27 pm
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Testifies Against Google, Condemns Google's

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Testifies Against Google, Condemns Google's "Dominance" in Market

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella condemned arch-rival Google”s alleged unfair business practices on Thursday. Nadella was testifying in a US federal court as part of the government”s antitrust trial against Google. Nadella alleged that Google holds the lion”s share of the market, making it difficult for Microsoft to compete on the internet.

In his three-and-a-half-hour testimony, Nadella described his struggles with Google as the latter spent billions of dollars to make itself the default search engine on smartphones and web browsers. Characterizing the internet as the “Google Web,” Nadella said that Google could use its authority in creating artificial intelligence tools to further strengthen its dominance.

Moreover, Microsoft”s CEO argued that publishers and advertisers design their content in order to meet the guidelines set by Google, which enable them to monetize their content. Google has that much influence on the internet and compels competitors like Microsoft”s Bing and others to lag behind Google.

The US Department of Justice and a group of state attorneys have interrogated Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella as they are suing Google for allegedly violating antitrust laws by having a monopoly in the general search market.

The prosecutors argue that Google is monopolizing distribution channels for general search engines through exclusive deals with browser and phone makers. It is noteworthy that Google pays Apple billions of dollars to keep Google as the default search engine on Apple devices such as the iPhone.