Blog: Message From G20 Summit To Teachers And School Administrators

Education Written by Updated: Sep 24, 2023, 1:09 am
Blog: Message From G20 Summit To Teachers And School Administrators

The new approach to schooling should offer more personalized, learner-centered, and differentiated learning experiences.

Technological transformation of public infrastructure, including schools and other educational institutions, was a key focal point at the recent G20 summit in India. World leaders addressed the audience from the Indian stage, discussing how digital technology can enhance access, quality, and equity in education. They reaffirmed their commitment to providing inclusive and equitable quality education and emphasized the importance of increasing access to high-quality technical and vocational education and training (TVET) to equip students with the skills they need for the changing labour market and the future of work.

The message from the G20 summit to teachers and school administrators is to integrate technology into the school curriculum and develop effective e-tutoring practices. In both online and onsite environments, they need to foster digital skills and high competencies among their students so they can thrive in the contemporary job market. The traditional schooling model, based on formal knowledge classification and learning, needs to evolve. The new approach to schooling should offer more personalized, learner-centered, and differentiated learning experiences.

Here are some tips for schools and teachers to embrace this new approach:

  1. In addition to traditional libraries, curate digital resources such as websites, e-books, social media, online communities, lectures, webinars, podcasts, simulations, models, graphics, animations, quizzes, games, and e-notes. Compile freely available and paid digital materials so your students may explore topics of their interest both in and out of school, promoting a deeper understanding of the curriculum.
  2. Rather than simply transmitting information, focus on nurturing 21st-century skills, such as communication, creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. Tools like Google Docs, social media, and WhatsApp can be effective in developing these skills.
  3. Encourage students to enroll in online courses or online schools, such as Khan Academy, which offer flexibility and a wider range of learning options. Online courses can save time, increase engagement, and enhance knowledge.
  4. Motivate students to take Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), exposing them to various subjects and perspectives from experts and peers worldwide.
  5. Be emotionally intelligent tutors, offering emotional support to students throughout their digital learning journey to prevent feelings of helplessness, isolation, and disconnection.
  6. Like a skilled coach, provide safety, security, and inclusive support to all learners.

Teachers should remember that the technological transformation of your pedagogical approaches can help them achieve learning objectives that would be unattainable in a technologically disconnected environment. This is why world leaders at G20 summits have placed such a strong emphasis on adopting technological advancements in schools and education.