The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin criticised the centre for releasing the Draft UGC Regulations, 2025 which gives broder control to Governors of states in appointing the Vice Chancellors in Higher Educational Institutes. The Tamil Nadu CM said that the new the new guidelines are a direct assualt on the federalism and state rights.
According to the draft regulations the chancellor shall constitute a search cum selection committee comprising three experts – a nominee of the chancellor who shall be the chairperson of the committee, a nominee of the chairman of the UGC and a nominee fo the apex body of the university which can be syndicate/senate/executive courcil . Till now, the state govt nominates its member to the committee.
Read also: UGC Revises Regulations For Appointment Of Teachers
As per the CM Stalin, the new UGC regulations grants Governors broader control over VC appointments and will non-academics to hold these posts. While calling it an assault on federalism said the move as an authoritarian move and an attempt to undermine the democratically elected state governments.
While taking to the social media, X, he targeted the BJP government and wrote, “Education must remain in the hands of those chosen by the people, not dictated by Governors acting at the BJP government’s behest.” “Tamil Nadu, which leads the nation with the highest number of top-ranking HEIs, will not stay silent as our institutions are stripped of autonomy”, he added.
Stalin said the move as unconstitutional as the Education is a subject under the Concurrent List in our Constitution and opposes the unilateral decision making without consulation with states.
“This overreach is unacceptable, and Tamil Nadu will fight it legally and politically”, he wrote.
The new UGC regulations granting Governors broader control over VC appointments and allowing non-academics to hold these posts are a direct assault on federalism and state rights. This authoritarian move by the Union BJP government seeks to centralise power and undermine…
— M.K.Stalin (@mkstalin) January 7, 2025
UGC also announced the draft regulations (minimum qualifications for appointment & promotion of teachers and academic staff in universities and colleges and measures for maintenance of standards in higher education) Regulations 2025.
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