“Discourages Pressuring Young Minds To Perform Best In Every Aspect’: Delhi High Court

Education Edited by Updated: Feb 02, 2024, 5:42 pm
“Discourages Pressuring Young Minds To Perform Best In Every Aspect’: Delhi High Court

‘Court Discourages Pressuring Young Minds To Perform Best In Every Aspect’, Delhi High Court

Hearing a petition in the alleged suicide last year by two IIT-Delhi students belonging to Schedule Caste (SC), Delhi High Court called upon the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) to put in conscious efforts to counselling students.

The parents of the deceased sought the Court’s directions to register an FIR and impartial probe into the ‘caste-based atrocities’ committed in the institution.

Police informed that an enquiry has been conducted in both the cases during July and September last year and no caste-based discrimination was found. The investigation revealed that they were failing in multiple subjects during exams and were under pressure to perform better academically.

However, petitioners blamed few faculty members for the discrimination and argued that their children cracked the tough exam like JEE-Advanced to get admission into IIT-Delhi and were bright students.

“A perusal of the status report filed by the ASC (additional standing counsel) for the State shows that a thorough and detailed enquiry was conducted into both the cases and it was found that no complaint was ever given by any of the deceased students to the police, SC/ST Cell of IIT-Delhi or to any of their friends in campus regarding any caste-based discrimination being faced by them,” the court said.

The court emphasised that scoring good marks is not the most important thing in life and without succumbing to the stress to perform better students can give their best. Justice Rajnish Bhatnagar said, “This court can understand the sentiments of the parents of the deceased and deeply discourages the growing trend of pressurising young minds to perform the best in every aspect of life, leading them to take unfortunate steps”.

“It is high time that the faculty as well as other staff members of the Indian Institute of Technology make conscious efforts and take endeavours to counsel, encourage, motivate and invigorate the students,” the court said further. Court added that young minds should prioritise both mental and physical health which would give them confidence to face challenges.

The court ruled that undoubtedly, the two brilliant and young students’ academic career has come to an end under the devastating conditions but the relief sought by the parents cannot be issued merely based on sympathy or sentiments.

“Court cannot issue a mandamus based on sentiments or sympathy”, the court ruled.