IIT Kanpur: MTech Student Dies By Suicide

Education Edited by Updated: Jan 11, 2024, 11:08 am
IIT Kanpur: MTech Student Dies By Suicide

IIT Kanpur: MTech Student Dies By Suicide

An MTech student, Vikas Kumar Meena, died by suicide at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Kanpur) campus on Wednesday. The tragic incident shook both the student and academic communities alike.

Vikas Kumar was a second year student in the Aerospace Engineering. The deceased is a resident of the Meerut district of the Uttar Pradesh.

The incident occurred on Wednesday evening and local police came to know about it around 9 pm. The exact cause of death is still remain uncertain and police have started the investigation.

“With profound grief, IIT Kanpur mourns the tragic and untimely demise of Mr Vikas Kumar Meena . . .,” the institute said in an official statement on Thursday.

Abhishek Kumar Pandey, ACP, Kalyanpur, told the media that it was the the chief security officer of IIT Kanpur informed police about the incident. Police has sent the body for postmortem examination. Besides, a forensic team is also taking the matter into consideration. As per the initial report, Vikas Kumar has been “under stress” for several days concerning his academics.

“With Vikas” passing, the institute lost a young and promising student,” the institute”s official statement added.

It was on December 19, a postdoctoral researcher Pallavi Chilka (34) hanged herself from the ceiling fan in her hostel room in the campus..

(This news story may contain content to suicide and suicidal behaviour. Such topics can be sensitive and may trigger emotional responses. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts or behaviours, we urge you to seek help immediately. Contact your local mental health crisis hotline, a mental health professional, or a trusted person in your life.

You may call 14416 or 1-8008914416 Tele MANAS service, a comprehensive mental health care service by Government of India.)