UGC Introduces Changes To Transform Higher Studies Including Twice A Year Admissions And Multiple Exit Systems
The University Grant Commission (UGC) has made significant changes to transform education in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Now the commission has invited comments on the draft UGC Regulations regarding the proposed education minimum standards for UG and PG degrees. Institutions fulfilling the given requirements will come under the HEIs category recognized by the UGC.
According to the draft regulations, an HEI must prepare to handle biannual admissions to admit students twice a year, in July/August and January/February. However, the student intake capacity will be determined by the institution considering several factors such as physical facilities, and student-teacher ratio among others.
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Another major regulation provides an opportunity for students to be admitted into any discipline after clearing the University level entrance examination irrespective of the stream taken by the student in class 12 schooling or level 4. Similarly, students will be allowed to take admission into PG courses irrespective of major or minor disciplines taken by the student in the UG program.
Learning from online mode will be creditable through a well-defined assessment process. These credits will be added to the marksheets. Degree programs under the online mode will be provided by the UGC-recognized institutions. The curriculum content and credit framework will be decided by the university by NHEQF. Regarding attendance, an institution will be allowed to decide upon the minimum attendance requirement as per the NEP 2020.
Giving equal credit to the subjects and skill development the UGC has decided to give 50% credit to the skill courses/apprenticeships and 50% to the major in that discipline.
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Also, UGC has provided multiple exit systems to students from their graduate and undergraduate courses. The new regulations provide freedom of exiting and rejoining the course at a later stage with a minimum number of credits earned and a timed duration of the course. For example, Under the UG degree with honours or honours with research a student who has earned the required credits at level 6 of NCrF will be eligible for the UG degree. Also those students who have earnerd credits for two majors will be awarded a UG degree with a double major.
Similarly for the HEIs will have flexibility by offering postgraduates will mulitple exist options to leave the course after earning the minimum credits and fulfilling essential time duration. For example a student who have earned a 4-year undergraduate degree shall be eligible for the 2 – year PG programme. Students who have earned 40 credits by completing the first year of 2 year PG and exit will be awarded the degree.
The UGC also said that If any HEI violates the provisions of these regulations, the Commission shall constitute an enquiry committee to look into the violations.