UP Police Recruitment: Over 50 Lakh Applicants For 60,244 Constable Posts

Education Edited by Updated: Jan 19, 2024, 3:41 pm
UP Police Recruitment: Over 50 Lakh Applicants For 60,244 Constable Posts

UP Police Recruitment: Over 50 Lakh Applicants For 60,244 Constable Posts

Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) received a large number of online registrations for the biggest bulk recruitments of the UP Police so far. Over 50 lakh applicants applied under the recruitment drill of 60, 244 posts of UP Police Constable. 15 lakh women applied among the registered candidates, with a quota of 12,000 reserved seats.

The window for online registration is no longer accepting new applications; instead, it is now open until January 20 for fee adjustments and application changes. 

30% of the applicants are female, and 70% are male. There are 66 men and 125 women competing for one position, respectively. The recruitment will result in the largest number of women personnel in UP Police services.

According to reports, the recruiting campaign is a major step towards strengthening the state”s police force and giving young people hope for the future. 

Shifts in examination plan

According to the senior officials the number is highest since the formation of UPPRPB in 2009. The board has decided to put up around 6,500 locations for the written exam scheduled to be held on February 18 in anticipation of about 32 lakh applications. Given the extensive applications, the test is expected to be administered over the course of two or three shifts.

The official added that conducting the examination on such big scale will be a challenge for the administration. 

Special arrangements

To help with the inspection, the board will meet with the railroads and the transportation department to discuss further arrangements. To stop criminal gangs, the STF and district police have also been urged to remain alert.

Artificial intelligence will also be utilised to identify the suspects during the examination, according to officers at DGP headquarters. In addition, extra measures will be taken to prevent copying with the help of electronic devices.