Acclaimed Malayalam director Rosshan Andrrews, who is famous for hit movies like Udayananu Tharam, Notebook, Mumbai Police, How Old Are You? and Kayamkulam Kochunni, is making his debut in Hindi with Shahid Kapoor starrer Deva. The action thriller movie which discusses about a police officer and his ‘encounters’ with the law and crimes, is being produced by Roy Kapoor Films and Zee Studios, and will be released in theatres on January 31.
The movie is reportedly the remake of Rosshan Andrrews’ commercially successful Malayalam film Mumbai Police which featured Prithviraj Sukumaran, Jayasurya, Rahman Kunjan, Aparna Nair, Deepa Vijayan, and Hima Davis. The 2013 film’s neo-noir psychological approach make the police movie a runaway hit.
Deva Trailer Review: Is Shahid Kapoor Police Or Mafia?
The trailer of Deva, however, do not completely give away the idea that the movie is a remake of Mumbai Police, instead, it appears like a Mumbai Police vs gangster flick. From the beginning to end, Shahid Kapoor is seen shooting and bashing up bad guys, and throwing a way dialogues like “I want full freedom (for encounters)” or “I am mafia”. Most part of the trailer looks like a Sicario clone in which the police is hunting down a lot ‘bad guys’.
The surprise of the moviegoers is kept inside the story as Mumbai Police (2013) had one of the best climaxes ever in Malayalam. Though the details are not given in the trailer of the movie… Isn’t that the actual purpose of a good trailer?
The movie is written by hit writers duo Bobby–Sanjay with whom Andrrews collaborated for Notebook, Casanovva, Mumbai Police, How Old Are You?, School Bus, Kayamkulam Kochunni, Prathi Poovankozhi and Salute in Malayalam.
Dialogues are written by Sumit Arora, Hussain Dalal and Arshad Syed.
Watch Deva Trailer here: