Hrithik Roshan, one of the iconic stars of Bollywood, on Tuesday shared a 27-year-old inspiring scribble that depicted his journey from a nervous newcomer to a sensational superstar both in India and beyond. The Greek God of Bollywood, who was in the past named as one of the most handsome men in the world, disclosed how nervous he was when he was preparing for his first movie, Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai (2000), adding that he feels embarrassed even now to share it. The film celebrates 25 years today.
The handwritten note that the actor shared on his social media platforms has been trending online. Admitting that he is still nervous when starting a movie, Hrithik Roshan noted that what changed him from then to now is absolutely nothing, as he sees and realises from the pages he penned 27 years ago.
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“Good thing? Bad thing? It’s just how it is. Only process remains. So much to be thankful for. So much to be grateful for. So much left to do,” the actor wrote, adding that the only thing he is relieved about is the proof of resilience. Suggesting that he is still on his way to perfection, the actor noted that the first page of his old rough scribble said, “one day“ at the bottom and “no such day happened; it never came. Or maybe it did, but I missed it because I was in prep.”
His debut movie with Ameesha Patel was released on January 14, 2000, and the movie became an overnight sensation, providing the newcomer with a great start to embark on his epoch-making career. Asking the followers not to be afraid to trust their instincts and follow their passion, the Bollywood superstar advised them to embrace failure and not to be threatened by drawbacks. He also noted that the believing in the instincts will not take people down.
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“One life. That’s it: only one life, one chance. Don’t f– it up; don’t give a shit about small failures… Just keep going, don’t break,” the actor wrote.
The note began by mentioning veteran actor Nasseruddin Shah. A young Hrithik wrote, “Do it the way you want it! Because that’s the best way! One day, just believe!” An inspiring piece for bodybuilders, the actor, celebrated for exceptionally maintaining a fit body, also describes his future plans, noting, “Need a lot of biceps for a broader upper chest also.”
Recalling his speech preparation writing, the War wrote, “Speech-talk without being conscious at all of stuttering… It doesn’t happen anymore! It’s all in the mind!” Hrithik has been vocal about having stuttering issues. as a child.
Directed by Hrithik Roshan’s father, Rakesh Roshan, Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai originally hit the big screens in January 2000, becoming a massive hit and marking the debut of both Hrithik and Ameesha Patel.
#25YearsOfKahoNaaPyaarHai – My notes from 27 years ago.
Prepping as an ACTOR for my first movie Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai, I remember how nervous I was. Still am when starting a movie.
I’d be embarrassed sharing these, but after 25 years of being in the industry I guess I can handle…
— Hrithik Roshan (@iHrithik) January 14, 2025