Actor and TMC MP Shatrughan Sinha took to social media to express his concern over the attack on Saif Ali Khan, who sustained six stab injuries during a burglary attempt at his Mumbai residence. Sharing an AI-generated image of Saif and Kareena Kapoor Khan from a hospital bed, Sinha wrote on X, “Very sad & unfortunate… Thank God he is healing well. My humble appeal: please stop the ‘blame game’; the police are doing their job well.” He also lauded Maharashtra’s leadership for their efforts in addressing the incident.
The assailant, identified as Shariful Islam Shehzad, a Bangladeshi national living under the alias Bijoy Das, was arrested following an intense police operation. Shehzad allegedly broke into the actor’s Bandra home using the rear staircase and air-conditioning ducts. The attack, which occurred around 2 a.m., left Saif with severe injuries, including one near his spine.
The police launched a citywide manhunt, forming 30 teams and analysing extensive CCTV footage to trace the suspect. Shariful was eventually apprehended in Thane, where he had been hiding after recognising himself in news reports. He admitted to the crime but claimed ignorance about breaking into Saif Ali Khan’s home.
The nanny, Eliyama Philip, was the first to encounter the intruder and sustained injuries while protecting Saif’s son, Jeh. Her statement detailed the ordeal, revealing the attacker demanded Rs 1 crore before launching a violent assault. Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and their staff managed to escape to the upper floor during the chaos.
Saif was rushed to Lilavati Hospital and is now recovering. The police continue to investigate, with plans to recreate the crime scene for further insights.