"Felt A Solid Piece In Mouth": Mumbai Doctor Finds Human Finger In Ice Cream Cone

The Malad police have registered a case against the brand Yummo Ice Creams for endangering human life and for food adulteration.

Mumbai Edited by Updated: Jun 13, 2024, 1:20 pm

"Felt A Solid Piece In Mouth": Mumbai Doctor Finds Human Finger In Ice Cream Cone (image-X/ItsKhan_Saba)

What was expected to be a pleasant and delicious experience turned into the shocker of her life when a Mumbai resident found a human finger inside a cone of ice cream she had ordered online on Wednesday.

According to reports, 27-year-old Orlem Brendan Serraro and his sister had ordered the cold dessert, a Yummo butterscotch cone, when she found a severed finger sticking out. As per the Free Press Journal, Serraro and his sister had ordered groceries through an online delivery app when he asked her to include three butterscotch cone ice creams as well. Upon delivery, a shocking discovery was made.

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The doctor said that out of three ice creams he had ordered, one was a Yummo brand’s butterscotch ice cream. After eating half of the ice cream, he felt a solid piece in his mouth. “I thought it could be a nut or a chocolate piece, but still spat it out to check what it was,” said Dr. Serraro.

Being a doctor himself, Serraro was able to identify the strange ‘ingredient.’ “When I carefully examined it, I noticed the nails and fingerprint impressions under it. It resembled a thumb. I am traumatised,” he said, as quoted by NDTV.

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Reacting swiftly, he placed the severed organ in an ice pack and headed to the Malad police station to register a complaint.

The Malad police have registered a case against the brand Yummo Ice Creams for endangering human life and food adulteration. The ice cream has been sent for further investigation. Meanwhile, the severed finger (about 2 cm long) has been sent to the forensic laboratory.