The Key To Happiness Is In Science: A Psychologist's Guide To Living A Fulfilling Life
The pursuit of happiness is something that a lot of people have been trying to achieve. We often are looking for new ways to become happy. The answer lies very close, it is within us to find happiness. There have been many studies in psychology that indicate that happiness can be inculcated through consistent activities.
The powers of positive thinking can have deep and long-lasting effects on our happiness levels. It is important to be grateful for the things we have in life. You could spend some time each day to take note of your blessings. You could write them in a journal and revisit them during difficult days. It can help you focus on positive emotions and reduce feelings of dissatisfaction. It has already been proven that practicing gratitude regularly can lead to a sense of optimism towards life.
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A purpose can make one’s life better as it gives meaning and direction to it. You can set particular goals, adopt a hobby, learn new skills and work at improving your career. These activities can bring satisfaction to your lives and also bring up your levels of self-esteem.
Setting meaningful goals and working towards them gives our lives purpose and direction. Whether it’s learning a new skill, pursuing a hobby, or advancing in our careers, achieving milestones boosts our self-esteem and satisfaction. The journey towards our goals is as important as the destination itself.
We often find ourselves stuck in the past or worrying about the future. By practising mindfulness, one can learn to be present in the moment. It is imperative to realise that you can learn to savour life when you learn to deeply appreciate each moment. You can use techniques like meditation and deep breathing exercises to reduce anxiety and turn towards mindfulness.
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Happiness can also be created through strong and meaningful relationships with friends, family and community members. While self-growth is necessary, we also need to equally focus on creating positive interpersonal relationships. The time spent with loved ones can contribute to the overall well-being of an individual. Also, every act of kindness towards other people is a two-way movement; it can bring happiness to others as well as to the individual.
You can incorporate these science-based approaches into your life to improve your perspective on life. By regularly practising gratitude and mindfulness, indulging in acts of kindness and building interpersonal relationships, you can lead a joyful life.
(Henna Ayoob is a highly regarded Consultant Psychologist and entrepreneur in Calicut, Kerala, specialises in psychological well-being. With a focus on sleep science, she is known for her expertise in guiding individuals toward optimal mental health. Henna is committed to fostering a healthier and more balanced lifestyle for her clients.)