Top British Scientist Believes That Next Pandemic Is "Absolutely Inevitable"

Health Edited by Updated: May 28, 2024, 12:41 pm
Top British Scientist Believes That Next Pandemic Is

Top British Scientist Believes That Next Pandemic Is "Absolutely Inevitable"

UK’s former chief scientific advisor, Sir Patrick Vallance, warned that another pandemic is a certainty. He said that the incoming government need to be prepared. While speaking at the Hay Festival, Vallance stressed the importance of “sorting out” the critical issues, while acknowledging the upcoming general election.

According to Vallance, the pressing matter is to provide a “better surveillance” to detect the emerging disaster early. He echoed his message to the G7 leaders in 2021, and highlighted the significance of the rapid response. As per Vallance, the readily available diagnostics, vaccines, and treatments could prevent the requirement of drastic measures the world has witnessed during the Covid-19 pandemic. He also remarked that these can only be achieved through international corporation, as reported by The Guardian.

The report said that Vallance has earlier said that by 2023, the G7 had “sort of forgotten” about the points he had made in 2021. “You can”t forget about it,” he urged, and recommended that pandemic preparations be treated similarly to those of the armed forces.

Vallance said that just like the way army is being prepared even if there isn’t going to be a war, such preparedness should be made for the pandemic without waiting for the signs of pandemic, because there won’t be any sign of pandemic.

Mentioning the World Health Organization’s proposed agreement for countries to collaborate on the pandemic preparedness as one of the “positive steps” being taken, he said it is doubtful that enough focus is placed. Vallance further added that if the said issue is removed from the G7 and G20 agendas, the world will be in same situation again, which he hopes is the “key outcome of the inquiry”.