"Be Factual": Trinamool MP Saket Gokhale On PM Modi's "Urban Naxals" Comments

India Edited by Updated: Sep 26, 2023, 3:38 pm

"Be Factual": Trinamool MP Saket Gokhale On PM Modi's "Urban Naxals" Comments (Image: twitter.com/saketgokhale, twitter.com/narendramodi)

Criticising Prime Minister Narendra Modi”s remarks in which the PM said Congress party has now outsoursed their duties to “Urban Naxals”, MP and Trinamool Congress spokesperson Saket Gokhale on Tuesday asked the government to substantiate the remarks with proofs.

It was on Monday, the Prime Minister of India compared the country”s 138 year old political party to an offshoot of “Urban naxals”, while addressing a rally in Madhya Pradesh”s Bhopal.

In his speech, the PM accused the Congress party of outsourcing its policies to “Urban Naxals” and preventing the passage of the Women Reservation Bill. And it is not the first time the ruling BJP is using the term to hit out their rivals, but deployed at both the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) as well as Congress earlier.

“Congress is not being run by its leaders. It is now like a company which is outsourcing everything – from slogans to policies. Congress reins are now with some urban naxals. They call the shots in Congress. Every Congress worker on the ground can feel that” said Mr Modi in the rally accusing Congress. He tweeted the same on Monday.

According to MP Saket Gokhale, PM used the term “urban naxals” on various occasions for “political parties, journalists, & NGOs among others”.

Arguing for a clear cut evidence to prove the PM”s allegation, Mr Gokhale has written to the Special Secretary of Internal Affairs at the Home Ministry. He requested the Ministry “to furnish details of the group called “urban naxals” and on how the Govt of India has identified this group as well as the official SOP adopted for handling “urban naxals” “.

In an X (formerly Twitter) post on Tuesday, Mr Gokhale shared the copy of the letter he had written to the ministry and said that “PM Modi continues to use the term “tukde tukde gang” even now despite the Home Ministry telling (me) a few years ago on record that nothing of that sort exists”.

“Statements by the PM carry immense importance & need to be factual”, Mr Gokhale asserted by stating that the country needs to know how the Govt of India & PM Modi have formally identified “urban naxals” & the official Govt of India records & SOP on the remarks made by PM Modi yesterday”.