Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar-led Janata Dal (United) has withdrawn support from the ruling BJP government in Manipur, sending significant political implications for the saffron party. Though the support of JDU, which has only one MLA in the Manipur assembly, does not make impact on the stability of the N Biren Singh-led state government, the move is projected to be a threat to the saffron party at Centre as one of its key allies.
Informing the decision, Manipur JD(U) President Kshetrimayum Biren Singh said that it is reiterated that the JD(U), Manipur Unit does not support the BJP-led state government in Manipur, and its lone MLA, Md. Abdul Nasir shall be treated as an opposition MLA in the House.
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“In the election to State Assembly of Manipur held in 2022, six candidates set up by JD(U) were returned. After a few months, five MLAs of JD(U) defected to BJP…After JD(U) became a part of INDIA bloc, support to the BJP-led government was withdrawn by JD(U) by informing the office of Governar, Leader of the House (Chief Minister) and Speaker. As such, seating arrangement of the lone MLA of JD(U) in Manipur, Md. Abdul Nasir is made in the Opposition Bench in the last session of Assembly,” Biren Singh stated, adding it repeals support to the saffron government.
The JDU had won six seat during the 2022 assembly elections in Manipur, but months later the party legislators switched to the BJP. The saffron party has, at present, 37 MLAs in the 60-member state assembly. Five Naga People’s Front MLAs and three independent MLAs has supported the BJP, maintaining a comfortable majority.
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Months ago, the Conrad Sangma-led National People’s Party had withdrawn support to the Biren Singh BJP government. Despite having no immediate threat to the saffron party, the JDU’s withdrawal of support, being one of an integral part of the coalition, reflects the party’s changing political stance. At the Centre, JDU is one of the key allies of the BJP supporting the government’s very existence, and observers are closely monitoring the developments’ repercussions in state and national political dynamics.
The JDU has a total of 12 crucial MPs in the parliament where the BJP need allies support to continue in power since the saffron party’s tally was significantly reduced during the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.