“Not Against Christians…”: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Clarifies His Stance

India Edited by Updated: Dec 17, 2023, 4:55 pm
“Not Against Christians…”: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Clarifies His Stance

“Not Against Christians…” Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Clarifies His Stance

Chhattisgarh“s newly elected Chief minister Vishnu Deo Sai clarified his stance by stating that he is not against the people following Christianity and his concerns only revolve around slaughtering of cows and religious conversion.

He then highlighted that the second-largest church in Asia is located in his elected constituency. Vishnu Deo added, keep on continuing the services but do not slaughter cows as they consider cow as their mother and God as well. “So please stop killing cows as there are several other things to consume,” said Mr Sai.

While responding to the religious conversion taking place in Bastar region, the chief minister perceived them a conspiracy to weaken the BJP. He then added that the people in tribal dominated Bastar and Surguja regions are being misled, creating a misconception that they are not Hindu. He then alleged that it is a planned attempt to disconnect them from the BJP and service to the nation.

He then urged the people not to indulge in such conversions by adding that conversion by ones his/her willingness is different from carrying out conversions by offering poor people the facility of education or through healing prayer. He attributed the incidents to certain institutions aiming to damage BJP and nationalism.

By citing the recent landslide victory of BJP in the elections, he expressed his confidence that this strategy will fail in its long run.

Vishnu deo being elected as the chief minister of Chhattisgarh expressed his astonishment on Saturday. He said that being a farmer’s son and at a young age, never thought would be granted with this great responsibility.

“I am a farmer”s son and got responsibilities at a young age. I never thought that I would reach this post. I was elected legislator two consecutive times and remained MP four times. I also worked as MoS under PM Modi”s guidance. I am grateful to the party that a huge responsibility has been given to me,” Vishnu Deo Sai told news agency ANI in an exclusive interview.

Vishnu Deo won from the Kunkuri Assembly seat with a total of 87,604 votes in the assembly election.