“Putin Is Right, India Self-Directed Since Nehru’’: Congress MP Shashi Tharoor

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“Putin Is Right, India Self-Directed Since Nehru’’: Congress MP Shashi Tharoor


Shortly after the Russian President Vladimir Putin appreciated India’s self-directed principles and policies on dealing foreign affairs, Congress MP and public intellectual Shashi Tharoor expressed his delight adding that the country always made its own decision since Independence.

Mr Tharoor was speaking to the media and observed that India’s leadership is self-directed since the time of the country’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. India always considered its autonomy as important, he said.

Vladimir Putin was addressing the Valdai Forum, while he critiqued the Western nations’ tendency to exclude nations who diverge from its norms. Referring India, he made peculiar comments on it’s administration under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Mr Putin added that India is a country directed by it’s own interests and appreciated India’s determination not to underfoot itself to western principles.

According to the Russian President, the western attempts ‘’makes no sense’’, quoted by Hindustan Times, ‘’but they continue to cast Arabs as enemy’’. He added that India became a powerful nation under PM Modi’s leadership and is expecting the country more visibility in the UN along with Brazil and South Africa.

Mr Tharoor expressed that he is delightful to hear the Russian President’s appreciation of India and its foreign policy. According to him, India is exceptionally good and cautious on matters of external affairs from a very long time ago. He stated that the country’s foreign policy is not a newborn but directly goes back to the ‘’founding of the country in 1947’’.

Mr Tharoor’s statement clarifies that India decided to preserve its autonomy from the time of Jawaharlal Nehru itself. He urged to recall that it was a foreign country who had spoken for India on the global stage for almost two hundred years. And after getting Independence, the first Prime Minister of the country, Mr Nehru, immediately decided to ensure that India should cater an independent voice in the world affairs.

According to him, India should have a strategic autonomy where the country is able to decide its internal as well as external matters by itself. The nation has started executing policies beneficial for the purpose since 1947, and ‘’if Putin appreciated it, I am very glad he done so’’, Mr Tharoor added.