Sharad Pawar's Party Assigned New Name Day After EC Declared Ajit Pawar Camp As “Real NCP”

India Written by Updated: Feb 07, 2024, 6:52 pm
Sharad Pawar's Party Assigned New Name Day After EC Declared Ajit Pawar Camp As “Real NCP”

Sharad Pawar has helmed the NCP since its inception in 1999.

The Election Commission has today assigned a new name to the political entity led by veteran politician Sharad Pawar. It will be called the Nationalist Congress Party Sharadchandra Pawar. However, the poll body has yet to allot a symbol for the NCP Sharadchandra Pawar. The decision was announced a day after the EC ruled Sharad Pawar”s nephew, Ajit Pawar, as the rightful custodian of the NCP name and its “clock” symbol due to his faction”s numerical strength in the Maharashtra Assembly.

Sharad Pawar was given until 4 pm today to propose an alternative name and symbol for his faction. The urgency of the situation was underscored by the upcoming Rajya Sabha elections in Maharashtra on February 27.

On Wednesday, Sharad Pawar, who has helmed the party since its inception in 1999, submitted a list of three potential names for his faction of the Nationalist Congress Party to the Election Commission, as per its directive following the loss of control over the party.

As the party wishes to retain the essence of “Nationalist” or “Sharad Pawar” in its party name, options reportedly under consideration included names such as Nationalist Congress Party Sharad Pawar, Nationalist Congress Party Sharad Chandra Pawar, Nationalist Congress Party Sharad Rao Pawar, Sharad Pawar Congress, Sharad Pawar Swabhimani Paksh, and Me Rashtravadi.

In addition to proposing names, Pawar”s faction has also put forward suggestions for symbols, including glasses, a rising sun (a variant of which is used by Tamil Nadu”s ruling Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam), a sunflower, and a banyan tree, as alternatives to the NCP”s original clock symbol.

Sources reveal that the 84-year-old leader held several consultations with legal experts and party members to finalize a suitable name. The party is inclined towards retaining either the term “Nationalist” or Pawar”s name prominently to mitigate potential voter disengagement in forthcoming elections. Party leaders acknowledge the challenge of familiarizing voters, especially in rural areas, with any new identity, given the strong association of the clock image with Sharad Pawar.

With only 12 out of 53 MLAs in the Maharashtra assembly siding with Sharad Pawar, the NCP faces a daunting task in navigating the legal and electoral challenges ahead. The decision by the poll body, reminiscent of previous intra-party disputes like the Sena vs. Sena feud, has drawn sharp criticism for its perceived disregard of Sharad Pawar”s pivotal role in founding the NCP.

In response to the commission”s ruling, former Minister Anil Desmukh denounced it as a “murder of democracy,” while senior NCP leader Jayant Patil announced plans to approach the Supreme Court. As the legal battle escalates, the NCP must urgently undertake efforts to raise awareness about its revised identity, symbol, and name, particularly among rural voters, to avoid inadvertently bolstering the Ajit Pawar faction”s advantage.

Ajit Pawar was the Leader of the Opposition in the Maharashtra Assembly. The NCP was split into two factions in July 2023 after Ajit Pawar rebelled against his uncle and NCP founder Sharad Pawar and joined the ruling BJP-Shiv Sena government in Maharashtra. After being sworn in as the deputy CM, Ajit Pawar removed Sharad Pawar from the post of party president, and wrote to the Election Commission seeking recognition of his faction as the real NCP. Both factions then staked claim to the party name and symbol.