Jairam Ramesh, Congress general secretary and Rajya Sabha MP, has shared a stunning photograph from Rajasthan’s Tal Chhapar Sanctuary, taken by his colleague Mukul Wasnik. The image captures a pair of Steppe Eagles and Cinereous Vultures, showcasing the sanctuary’s rich biodiversity.
Located in the Churu district of Rajasthan, Tal Chhapar is renowned for its blackbuck population and its role as a haven for migratory birds. The sanctuary lies along the migratory route of many bird species, making it an essential stopover for raptors like Steppe Eagles and vultures.
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Steppe Eagles, native to Central Asia, migrate to India during the winter months. Known for their sharp vision and majestic flight, these birds often hunt small mammals and reptiles. The Cinereous Vulture, one of the largest Old World vultures, is a scavenger critical to the ecosystem, feeding on carrion and preventing the spread of diseases.
Mukul Wasnik, an avid birdwatcher and Congress leader, has represented Maharashtra’s Ramtek constituency and currently serves in the Rajya Sabha.
A lovely photograph taken by my colleague @MukulWasnik who is an avid bird watcher. This is from the Tal Chhapar Sanctuary in Churu district of Rajasthan, noted for its blackbucks especially. It shows a pair of Steppe Eagles and Cinerous Vultures. pic.twitter.com/x0zp8Cx2jD
— Jairam Ramesh (@Jairam_Ramesh) January 7, 2025
Sharing the photograph, Ramesh wrote, “A lovely photograph taken by my colleague @MukulWasnik who is an avid bird watcher.
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This is from the Tal Chhapar Sanctuary in Churu district of Rajasthan, noted for its blackbucks especially. It shows a pair of Steppe Eagles and Cinerous Vultures.”