UPSC Civil Services Final Results Out, Aditya Srivastava Topper
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has declared the Civil Service Examination (CSE) 2023 today, on April 16, 2024. Aditya Srivastava topped the exams for which the written exams were held by the UPSC in September 2023 and the interviews for the Personality Test held in January-April, 2024. This year breaking the past few years” record Aditya Srivastava, a male candidate secured the AIR 1 and the top 3 positions are not secured by female candidates just like last year. Animesh Pradhan secured an All India Rank 2 whereas Donuru Ananya Reddy got 3rd rank.
The UPSC CSE 2023 result is available on the commission’s official website – upsc.gov.in. Candidates who appeared for the personality test (interview) can check their results through the UPSC official website.
A total of 10,16,850 candidates applied for the UPSC CSE 2023, out of which 5,92,141 candidates appeared for the examination. This year a total number of 1016 candidates have been recommended for appointment. Notably out of the total 347 candidates are from the general category, 115 from EWS, 303 from OBC, 165 from SC, and 86 from the SC category.
Based on the result of the written part of the Civil Services Examination, 2023 held by the Union Public Service Commission the list has been prepared, in order of merit, of candidates who have been recommended for appointment to the Indian Administrative Service; Indian Foreign Service; Indian Police Service; and Central Services, Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’.
Notably, the UPSC CSE exam is conducted in 3 different stages – prelims, mains, and interviews. The preliminary examination was conducted on May 28 and the main exam was held on September 15 – 19, 2023. The interviews were commenced on January 4 and April 9, 2024.
The result link has been activated at the official website – upsc.gov.in.
UPSC CSE 2023: How to check the result
Step 1: Go through the official website — upsc.gov.in
Step 2: On the home page, click on the result UPSC CSE 2023 link.
Step 3: A PDF file will be opened in a new window.
Step 4: Search for the roll number in the PDF.
Step 5: Save/print out the PDF for future reference.
UPSC Civil Services results 2023
UPSC Civil Services results 2023
JMI Residential Coaching Academy UPSC CSE 2023 Performance
The Residential Coaching Academy (RCA), Centre for Coaching and Career Planning, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) has also given a remarkable result in the UPSC CSE 2023. A total of over 30 students got remmonded from the commission for various post at the central government.
Reportedly, the academy has given exemplary results in the past, including the UPSC topper in the Civil Services Examination and other Central and State Services toppers. According to the official information since its inception, RCA has given more than 600 selections in Civil Services and other Central and State Services.