The Thiruvananthapuram Cantonment police have filed a case under the POCSO Act against three individuals linked to the Malayalam news channel Reporter TV. The case is related to an objectionable video featuring a minor schoolgirl.
The accused include Arun Kumar K, Consulting Editor of Reporter TV, Shahbaz, a reporter with Reporter TV and another media person, according to reports.
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The video was part of the channel’s coverage of the Kerala State Kalolsavam, a state school arts festival. The video showed Arun Kumar teasing Shahbaz, asking if he had seen a school girl who performed the traditional dance form Oppana.
It was a scripted video that resembled the movie scene “Ustad Hotel” and included a dialogue between Shahbaz and the girl. Shahbaz made flirtatious remarks, such as “You look good,” accompanied by a romantic song from the movie.
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The case was registered based on a complaint filed by KV Manoj Kumar, Chairperson of the Kerala State Commission for Protection of Child Rights.
The accused have been charged under sections 12 and 11(1) of the POCSO Act, which addresses sexual harassment and making sexually explicit gestures towards children. They are also charged under section 3(5) of the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, which relates to publishing content that objectifies women.
The commission had sought an explanation from the channel regarding the video on January 10. However, after the backlash, Reporter TV removed the video from all its platforms.