Gujarat: C R Patil, BJP Candidate From Navsari Constituency (image - facebook/C R Paatil)
Chandrakanth Raghunath Patil is fielded as the BJP candidate from the Navsari constituency of Gujarat. C R Patil who currently serves as the BJP chief of Gujarat. He is the first per+son to hold this position despite being a non-Gujarati.
The first list of the BJP includes 195 candidates. Born in 1955, CR Patil hails from Jalgaon district of Maharashtra. Patil following the footsteps of his father worked as Police Constable from 1975 in Gujarat Police and served for 14 years. The family moved to Gujarat in the year 1951.
Patil started his political journey along with BJP in 1989. He also had a journalistic career before delving into politics. Patil worked for Gujarati Daily named ‘Navgujarat Times’ in 1991.
Patil’s political journey began as the BJP Treasurer of the Surat City. Then later he served as the BJP Vice President. Due to his commitment and dedication, Chief Minister Keshubhai Patel even appointed him as the Chairman of Gujarat Alkalines and Chemicals Limited, a state PSU.
Apart from holding several positions, the BJP leader’s electoral performance is considered with high regard as it was the highest margin victory in 2014 and 2019. He won the 2014 election with a record margin of 5,58,116 votes, the third highest across India and the third highest winner in the Lok Sabha in the whole country.
In 2019, Patil again repeated his historic win by securing a record vote of 689,668, the second highest in the electoral history.
Patil became the first Indian Member of Parliament to obtain an ISO certification for quality management system in monitoring and administration of the government services for his constituency in 2013. Patil’s commitment has led Navsari to become India’s first smokeless district with zero usage of firewood or kerosene. Patil also played a pivotal role in the development of the Surat airport into a fully functional one with multiple flights giving air connectivity to the rest of India and initiation of international flights. He also helped in improving the textile, infrastructure and diamond industries of Surat.