PM Modi's 'Viksit Bharat Sampark WhatsApp Message' Raises Data Leakage And Privacy Concerns

India Edited by Updated: Mar 18, 2024, 7:01 pm
PM Modi's 'Viksit Bharat Sampark WhatsApp Message' Raises Data Leakage And Privacy Concerns

PM Modi's Viksit Bharat Sampark WhatsApp Message Raises Data Leakage And Privacy Concerns (

The BJP-led central government”s “Viksit Bharat Sampark” WhatsApp message hints at data privacy and data leakage of not just Indian citizens but also Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and non-Indians. The Opposition calls it as blatant violation of Model Code of Conduct.

The WhatsApp message, sent to several users both India and abroad by ‘Viksit Bharat Sampark’ asked for feedback and suggestions concerning various government schemes and policy initiatives. A pdf file attached along with the message is a letter from Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

On Monday, Congress MP Shashi Tharoor on X handle shared screenshots of the LinkedIn post made by a user Anthony J Permal ACIM as well as the comments below his post.

Anthony, a UAE based consultant, shared a screenshot of “Viksit Bharat Sampark” WhatsApp message and wrote: “Yesterday multiple nationalities in the UAE received a “personal” WhatsApp message from Indian PM Modi, addressed to Indians abroad, in what can only be described as a blatant violation of privacy laws and etiquette.”

“It was received by thousands of non Indians on their private mobile numbers,” he added.

“How did the BJP and the Indian government get ahold of our numbers? And how can it just blatantly spam non Indians in the thousands? So much for an ethical government,” Antony enquired.

In response, several non-Indians commented Antony”s post and disclosed that they have received the same WhatsApp message as well.

Shashi Tharoor in his post asked, will the Election Commission check on the “blatant misuse of government machinery and government data to serve the partisan political interests of the ruling party?”

Similarly, Senior Congress leader Manish Tewari shared the “Viksit Bharat Sampark” WhatsApp message and asked “Where did Ministry of Electronics & IT, get my mobile number from ? Which database are they unauthorisedly accessing?” He has also enquired whether it is not a blatant violation of the both Model Code of Conduct and Right to Privacy.

On few days before, Congress Kerala dubbed the WhatsApp messages as a “political propaganda” on their X handle. They wrote: “The message talks about taking feedback from Citizens, but the attached PDF is nothing but political propaganda.”

Viksit Bharat is ruling BJP government”s development agenda and a key poll agenda of the party.