BRICS To Double Its Members; Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates To Be Added

World | Jan 04, 2024

The BRICS bloc, an international organization of emerging market nations that originally came into existence..

PM Modi-Xi Meet At BRICS, China Calls It 'A Candid Meeting'

World | Aug 25, 2023

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping had a brief meeting on the sidelines of the BRICS meeting at Johannesbu..

BRICS Announces Expansion; 6 More Countries Added

World | Aug 24, 2023

On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of BRICS, a grouping of the economies of the global south consisted of Brazil, Russia, India,..

PM Modi Not Received Well When Landed For BRICS Summit, Says Report. South African Government Denies

World | Aug 24, 2023

South Africa’s Daily Maverick has been subjected to Indian cyber attacks after the daily reported that Prime..