IIT bombay research
IIT Bombay Research Helps Indian Railways To Streamline Timetables
indian railway timetable | Mar 17, 2025Indian Railways is set to optimise its scheduling without altering tracks or trains, thanks to an innovative clustering technique dev..
IIT Bombay Study Reveals How Limited Choices Can Extract More Truth
IIT bombay research | Mar 06, 2025Offering limited options to choose from for a multiple choice setting recovers more accurate and truthful information than presenting..
IIT Bombay Researchers Develop Bacterial Cocktail For Farm Soil To Remove Pollutants And Pesticide
IIT bombay research | Jan 02, 2025IIT Bombay researchers have identified bacteria that can consume toxic pollutants in the soil and produce helpful nutrients as a bypr..
IIT Bombay's Souvik Mahapatra Honoured With Semiconductor Reliability Model Named After Him
iit bombay | Dec 12, 2024In a groundbreaking recognition, the semiconductor industry has introduced the “Mahapatra reliability model”..
IIT Bombay Finds 'Partially Treated Wastewater Cleaning Itself With Pollutant Eating Bacteria'
IIT bombay research | Sep 10, 2024A recent study at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) finds an interesting observation of..
IIT Bombay Researchers Found One Fifth Of The Heavy Vehicles As Super-emitters
Super emitters | Jul 24, 2024Super-emitters are vehicles that are either old, poorly maintained, or overloaded heavy-duty vehicles. They release a significant amo..
IIT Bombay Study Reveals Evolution of New Species Without Geographic Barriers
Education | May 14, 2024Researchers at IIT Bombay discover the role of environmental resources, genes, and mating in species in the development of new specie..