AI Likely To Replace Thousands Of Employees In 2024: Survey

Technology Edited by Updated: Nov 27, 2023, 6:33 pm
AI Likely To Replace Thousands Of Employees In 2024: Survey

AI Likely To Replace Thousands Of Employees In 2024: Survey (Image: Unsplash)

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world. However, recent surveys and studies indicate that generative AI may have a heavy impact on millions of jobs. A new survey report by ResumeBuilder highlights the potential impact of AI on the job market. 44 percent of companies surveyed said that AI will lead to layoffs in 2024.

The survey, published on November 8, was conducted among 750 business leaders of companies that currently use or plan to use AI in 2024. As per this survey, 53 percent of companies currently use AI, and 24 percent are planning to start in 2024. Among the firms currently using AI, 37 percent revealed that workers were laid off this year because they were no longer required as the company was depending on AI. At the same time, 44 percent of companies that depend on AI or plan to by next year said that employees will definitely (21 percent) or probably (23 percent) be laid off in 2024 due to the use of AI.

Meanwhile, next year will be beneficial for employees who have AI skills. As per the survey, 96 percent of companies using or planning to start using AI in 2024 revealed that it will be very beneficial (65 percent) or somewhat beneficial (31 percent) for candidates to have experience with AI. Also, the majority of companies believe that employees who have AI skills will definitely have more job security at their company than those who do not.

Business leaders also said that they are using AI mainly for customer support, research, and creating summaries of meetings or documents. 67 percent of business leaders said that they are using AI for customer support. “At the end of the day, employees need to realize that AI isn’t coming, it’s here. It’s time to embrace it if it may be a threat to your position or career path,” said Julia Toothacre, ResumeBuilder”s resume and career strategist.