Google To Integrate Android Stack Into ChromeOS For Enhanced AI Features

This strategic move aims to inject Chromebooks with advanced AI features at an accelerated pace. By incorporating elements like the Android Linux kernel and frameworks Google seeks to not only enhance AI capabilities but also streamline engineering efforts.

Google Chrome Edited by Updated: Jun 13, 2024, 1:16 pm
Google To Integrate Android Stack Into ChromeOS For Enhanced AI Features

With new features powered by Google AI and Gemini, Chromebooks now offer the opportunity to put powerful tools in the hands of more people to help with everyday tasks.

Google has revealed ambitious plans to revamp ChromeOs, leveraging significant portions of the Android stack. This strategic move aims to inject Chromebooks with advanced AI features at an accelerated pace. By incorporating elements like the Android Linux kernel and frameworks Google seeks to not only enhance AI capabilities but also streamline engineering efforts.

Additionally, the integration promises improved capability between Chromebooks and various devices paving the way for Seamless connectivity experiences. While Google assures consumers of forthcoming advancements, the full implementation of these changes is expected to take some time. Nonetheless, Chromebook users can already get a taste of the future with Gemini accessible from their home screen.

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Following these recent announcements around new features powered by Google AI and Gemini, Chromebooks now offer the opportunity to put powerful tools in the hands of more people to help with everyday tasks.

The blog post states, “To continue rolling out new Google AI features to users at a faster and even larger scale, we’ll be embracing portions of the Android stack, like the Android Linux kernel and Android frameworks, as part of the foundation of ChromeOS.”

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At the same time, Google has also said that it will continue to deliver the unmatched security, consistent look and extensive management capabilities that ChromeOS users, enterprises, and schools wish to access.