Laid-Office Indian-Origin Techie In US Replaced By “Indians Living In India”

The engineer reveals how, during his exit interview, he was shocked to learn that he and his team were being replaced by Indians residing in India.

Technology Edited by Updated: Jun 11, 2024, 2:30 pm
Laid-Office Indian-Origin Techie In US Replaced By “Indians Living In India”

Laid-Office Indian-Origin Techie In US Replaced By “Indians Living In India” (image-screengrab/Alphafox78)

An Indian-origin software engineer living in the United States uploaded a video narrating his ordeal, where he was laid off by his employer only to be replaced by Indians living in India.

The viral video shows the techie talking about how he was informed that his entire team, including himself, were recently laid off. The engineer reveals how, during his exit interview, he was shocked to learn that he and his team were being replaced by Indians residing in India. Hoping to keep his job, he pointed out that he too was Indian.

Read Also: Google’s Layoff Spree: Python, Dart And Flutter Staff Affected

“You can keep me around, I’m already Indian. We can get rid of these and replace them with my friends. I know a lot of Indians.” the software engineer joked. However, the company responded, “No, no, no, you don’t get it. We are getting rid of you. We are moving the job to India to be done by Indians from India, who will do it cheaper there.”

“And in that moment, I turned into every one of your fathers. I was like go**amn Indians are taking our jobs,” he said.

Meanwhile, social media users joked about the incident. One user said, “At least he didn’t have to train them before he was fired…there’s that”

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Another user said, “American corporations: we want to help you achieve the American dream… So, we can take it from you and give it to somebody else to achieve the American dream.”

A third user pointed out, “It’s not that you’re Indian it’s that you are now 90% less expensive.”