Biden Says The Possible Reason Behind Hamas Attack Can Be Economic Corridor Between India-Middle East-Europe

West Asia Edited by Updated: Oct 26, 2023, 6:40 pm
Biden Says The Possible Reason Behind Hamas Attack Can Be Economic Corridor Between India-Middle East-Europe

Biden Says The Possible Reason Behind Hamas Attack Can Be Economic Corridor Between India-Middle East-Europe

The Israel-Hamas war has unfurled chaos and confusions around the globe. World leaders frantically ran from pillar to post to connect with each other for drawing in solutions for the bloody escalation. Some declared Hamas resistance group as “terrorists” and others “condemned” Israel for its disregard for international humanitarian law.

US President Joe Biden opined that one of the reasons that prompted Hamas’s “unprecedented” attack on Israel on October 7th could be the new India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor which was announced during the G-20 summit held at New Delhi. The new ambitious corridor will connect the regions through ship to rail pathway.


While talking in a joint press conference with the Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Mr. Biden said that his claim was based on his instinct and there is no proof for it. He said, “I am convinced on of the reasons Hamas attacked when they did, and I have no proof of this, just my instinct tells me, is because of the progress we were making towards regional integration for Israel, and regional integration overall”.

The ambitious economic corridor between India-Middle East-Europe is believed to boost the economic developments between the regions as it paves way for new connectivity between India, Middle East and Europe. There would be two corridors namely East Corridor and Northern Corridor. The East Corridor will connect India with Middle East and the northern Corridor will connect Middel East with Europe. Earlier Mr. Biden has praised the corridor as means to construct a “more sustainable Middle East”.

While condemning the Hamas attack on Israel, Mr. Biden has also asserted that “Hamas do not represent” Palestinians. He opined about “trying hard” to provide “humanitarian aid” to Gaza. The American President shared the opinion of Arab leaders about the two-state solution being the way out of the war. He remarked that the status-quo of the region until October 6th could not restored and this means by no means Hamas will be able to spread terror on Israel. By saying this Joe Biden stated that the attack on Palestinians by the Israeli settlers in West Bank should not be encouraged and that it should “stop now”.