Iranian President Meeting Jewish Rabbis On The Side-lines Of UNGA

West Asia Edited by Updated: Sep 21, 2023, 6:44 pm
Iranian President Meeting Jewish Rabbis On The Side-lines Of UNGA

Iranian President Met With Jewish Rabbis On The Side-lines Of UNGA

Ebrahim Raisi, President of Iran met with members of Neturei Karta (religious group of Haredi Jews) on the side-lines of United Nation General Assembly. Mr. Raisi shook hand with the member of the religious group and discussed about the difference between Judaism and Zionism.

Neturei Karta is an anti-Zionist religious group. The Iranian President conveyed his view on Jews during the meeting with “rabbis” of the religious group Neturei Karta. Ebrahim Raisi remarked his appreciation of  anti-Zionist group. He said, “I have heard that there are anti-Zionist Jews here and this is a great thing”.
He also added that Iran only have issue with Zionists. “We always reiterate the fact that we have no issue whatsoever with the Jewish faith, with Torah, and in Iran, the Jews have freedom of religion. Our only issue is with the Zionists”.

Mr. Raisi also lauded the religious group”s “we are Jewish yet we are against Zionists” stance and added that Zionist discredit the Jewish faith. “Today, the Zionists wish to discredit the Jewish faith, but we draw a clear difference between Zionism and the Jewish faith and your work in which you announce that “we are Jewish, yet we are against Zionists,” that is something to be commented”, said Mr. Raisi as per the report

The members of the Jewish religious group replied to Mr. Raisi about how Iran has always respected and supported the Jewish community. “We found that throughout the history of the Islamic Republic of Iran, they respected and protected the Jewish community till today…”, they said.

The Jewish religious group Naturei Karta stood for with the call for “peaceful dismantling of the State of Israel”. As per their beliefs Jews are forbidden to have their own states until the descend of Jewsh Messiah. They also believe the State of Israel to be a rebellion against God.