Israel Faces More Backlashes For The Attack On Gaza

West Asia Edited by Updated: Oct 26, 2023, 1:04 pm
Israel Faces More Backlashes For The Attack On Gaza

Israel Faces More Backlashes For The Attack On Gaza

As Israel continue its fiendish attack on the civilians of Gaza, slaughtering more than 6000 in their bombing campaign and injuring thousands of others, the occupation force find itself isolated in the face of world as the days pass. Arab leaders are on the verge of losing their hold on peace talk as their language of “condemnation” of the deadly attack on civilians of Gaza seems to get stronger.

Earlier Qatar leader, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani has called out to stop the “barbaric bombing” on the Gaza Strip by stating that “enough is enough”. The Foreign Ministry of Qatar has issued a statement denouncing the “double standard” shown by the international community.

Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan has denounced the bombing blitz of Israel against Palestinians. On the arguments of ‘Israel’s self-defence’, the queen lashes out with the numbers of dead – around 6,000 had been killed in the war and among them at least 2,400 children – “how is that self-defence”, she asked. “We are seeing butchery at a mass scale using precision weapons”, she added. She termed the war as “catastrophe”.

Upon asked to express what she feels about the abduction of Israelis and the killing done by Hamas on October 7, she lashed back at the western media for victimising the occupation force just with what has happened on October 7th. She asked, “are we being told it is wrong to kill an entire family at gunpoint but it’s okay to shell them to death?”, says report.

Not only the Jordan Queen, but many other Arab countries are getting restless and started to express their disappointment with Israel and the international committee on its failure to advocate for the ceasefire.

On Wednesday, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey has cancelled his visit to Israel which was meant to happen later this year. Taking to X (formerly twitter), Mr. Erdogan has also wrote that, “the excessive brutal attack” subjected at the civilians of Gaza by the Israeli occupation force and the methods adopted by them in provoking “parties outside the region and not to moderate the mistakes” reduce them to the “position of organization, not states”.

Mr. Erdogan has also stated that “Hamas isn’t a terror organization but is instead a group of liberators and mujahideen defending their land and people”. In a message for the United Nations on the occasion of the 78th anniversary of establishment of the United Nations Organisation, the Turkish President has pronounced their disappointment in the UN Security Council’s inability to “provide a good test in the face of the Israeli administration’s unlawful and borderless attacks against civilians” and called out the Security Council’s “unilateral attitude” for further deepening the crisis.

Malaysian Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim said that Israel has become too arrogant with the support of the US and Europe”. He also added that, “it is the level of insanity to allow people to be butchered, babies to be killed, hospitals to be bombed, and schools to be destroyed. It is the height of barbarism in this world”., as per report.

Secretary General of United Nations, Antonio Guterres said the attack on October 7th did not happened out of vacuum and that the Palestinians have been under the attack for the past 56 years.

This was not received well in Israel, the opposition leader, Benny Gantza wrote on his X page, “dark are the days when the United nations Secretary General condones terror”.

The overall response of Israelis against the ongoing slaughter is a mixture of condemns and anger against the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The siren continue to blare in the streets of the occupied nation as Hamas resistance group refuse to back down from firing rockets and missiles. Report says more than 64 percent Israelis voted about fearing their physical safety.