Israel-Palestine “War": What The World Has To Say

West Asia Edited by Updated: Oct 13, 2023, 9:49 am
Israel-Palestine “War

Israel-Palestine " War": What The World Has To Say (image: UNRWA)

As the Israel-Palestine “war” is unfurling its most ferocious avatar, the world still stands divided. World leaders has already inked their stance on whom they root for. As the escalation is on its sixth day, the picture is crystal clear about who “condemn” whom. With death toll crossing far more than 1000 on each side, few rush to aid Israel, some others rush to aid Palestine and others urge to call quit from spilling the “innocent blood”.

The Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, Muhammed bin Salman Al Saud “stresses” the “need” to quit the “attack” on Gaza Strip. Saudi roots for “achieving a comprehensive and just peace” that “guarantees” Palestinians their “legitimate rights” in a statement.

Among his many “accusations” and “threats” against Paleatinians, Israeli President, Benjamin Netanyahu said “Hamas is ISIS-and we will crush and eliminate him as the world crushed and eliminated ISIS”.

Opposition party Yisrael Beitenu’s Chairman Avigdor Lieberman says he welcomes the announcement made by Prime Minister and Defense Minister of the country and guarantees “100% backing” and “support” that will take to the “elimination” of Hamas.



Member of the Hamas Political Bureau, Ghazi Had said that he hoped the international community “opens its to the situation in Gaza” and aid in “opening a humanitarian” corridor”.

Deputy leader of Hamas, Saleh Al-Arouri said to Al Jazeera said the infilteration happened on Saturday morning aimed only the occuppation forces and not the civilians. He said the “military plan of Al-Qassam Brigades” was a result of information they recieved about Israel occupation”s plan to “launch an assault” on Palestine “after the Hebrew holiday”.

Mr. Arouri said even Hamas was “surprised” as they were able to take down Isarel Defence Force”s “Gaza Division” within three hours of the infilteration. He also added that before Hamas set out for the attack, the defensive plan was ready and their defence plan is much “stronger than the offensive plan”. Mr. Arouri declared that “we do not see a future for this battle except victory”.

Hamas deputy leader Saleh Al-Arouri (image: wikipedia)

United State”s President, Joe Biden said America will never “allow anti-semitism” and “hate crimes” do not have any place in US and America stands “shoulder-to-shoulder” with Israel. He also said that he “informed Netanyahu of the need for Israel to act according to the rules of war”. Mr. Biden has also announced about facilitating F-18 and F-35 fighter jets to the “Middle East”.

Mr. Biden said that Israel has went through a moment when “pure, unadulterated evil is unleashed” and said what Hamas has done was “terrorism”. The American President also added that the “sheer evil” act of killing the Jews was not something new for the Jewish people and the attack brought back to the surface “painful memories and scars” left by the “millennium of antisemitism and genocide” of Jewish people.


According to the American President, the “blood-thirstiness” and “brutality” of Hamas brought to his mind, “the worst rampages of ISIS”

President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi held a phone conversation with Saudi Arabia”s Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman to talk about the unity of Muslim countries adhering to the “military escalation” in Palestine.


Iran Ministry of Foreign Affairs also said that Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian held a telephone conversation with United Nations Chief Antonnio Guterres. Mr. Amirabdollahain claimed that what happened was a Palestine initiative but was a “reaction to the war crimes and extremist moves by Netanyahu and Zionist regime” during the past months.


Palestine ambassador to Turkey, Faed Musthafa said that Israel cannot attain or “feel security” unless a “just solution” is brought to the Palestine issue. He also said that due to Turkey’s stance with Palestine issues, the country has faced “tension in its relations with Tel Aviv for long periods”.

Federal Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz said that “terror will not win and hatred will not prevail” and declared that Germany and France “stand firmly by Israel”s side”.

The X (formerly twitter) account of German Foreign Office said that like the “EU”, Germany is providing “humanitarian assistance” like medicine and food but made it “clear” that “Germany is not funding terrorists. Hamas” terror is abject”.

The country”s Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock said “the scrip of terror must not work”. She said Hamas desire to start a “conflagration with its terror” and it is “important to prevent other actors in the region from adding fuel to the fire”.

Russia held phone conversation with Iran and United Arab Emirates. Sergei Lavrov, Russia”s Foreign Affairs Minister, talked via phone and discussed about the “importance of efforts” needed to be taken as an attempt to “put an end to the confrontation between Palestine and Israel”

Mr. Lavrov also talked to Minister of Foreign Affairs of UAE, Abdullah bin Zayed and “confirmed the need to lead the Palestinian-Israeli settlement out of its deadlock”.

Lebanon Ministry Of Foreign Affairs urged for the establishment of “Palestinian State with its capital, Al-Quds Al-Shariff and the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes”. “The Ministry also warns” that failure of attaining a “lasting and comprehensive” solution in ending the “occupation of Arab lands and resolving the Palestinian issue threatens international peace and security”.

Leader of opposition party in Lebanon, Lebanese Forces Party said that the “most important thing is not to implicate the Lebanese in bearing what they cannot bear, after all the difficult conditions they are living in”.

  1. Philippines Department Of Foreign Affair said in a statement that the country”condemns the killing of two Filipino Nationals and all other acts of terrorism and violence as a result of Hamas actions against Israel”.

Israel”s Minister for Energy, Israel Katz could not bear the thought of providing “humanitarian aid” to Gaza. He said no one should “preach us morals” as he said that “no electrical switch will be turned on, no water hydrant will be opened and no fuel truck will enter until the Israeli abductees were returned home”. A “humanitarian for humanitarian” pact.

NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg said that the allies “stronlgy condemned Hamas” indefensible and horrific attacks on civilians” of Israel.

Turkiy ia ready to do “whatever” it can including the “mediation and fair arbitration, to quickly get our region out of this whirlpool”. The country”s President Recep Tayyib Erdogan said that “the Palestine issue is a matter of dignity for the entire world”. He also pointed that the “international community could not fullfil any of its promise”.

James Cleverly, Foreign Secretary of United Kingdom has visited Israel to to accentuate UK stands “shoulder to shoulder” with Israel and the “unwavering” support of the country to the people of Israel.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said anyone who supports Hamas is “responsible for this appalling attack”. According to Mr. Sunak, Hamas “are not militants” or “freedom fighters” but “terrorists”.

As the “war” continue to smite to and forth Gaza Strip and Israel, Ministers of Foreign Affairs approach each other all across the globe “discussing” a “comprehensive” solution to dramatic escalations in the Israel-Palestine war.

Israel has warned and called for the evacuation of the civilians from Gaza city within 24 hours. The Israel Defence Force asked the Gaza civilians to move towards the south of Wadi Gaza for “their own safety”. Hamas said there is no need for moving out as Israel is using a “psychological warfare”, says report.